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尖头鞋是今年的流行款式。Pointy shoes are the fashion this year.

去吧,你们这些聪明的尖头失败者们!Take that, you pointy -headed failures!

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忘掉她们尖尖的黑帽子和圆圆的鼻子。Forget the pointy black hat and warty nose.

他带着一副尖尖的面具,裹着一条兽皮的缠腰带。He wears a pointy mask and an animal-skin loincloth.

这些骑士都穿着锁子甲戴着尖盔。These knights each wore chain mail and pointy helmets.

他喜欢戴粉色的尖帽子,也喜欢玩敏捷游戏。He is fond of wearing pink pointy hats and playing agile games.

他们的尖嘴把昆虫,肉和多汁的蠕虫都消灭掉。Their pointy snouts snuffling out insects and fat, juicy worms.

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四棵细瘦的树儿长着细细的脖颈和尖尖的肘骨,像我的一样。Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine.

女孩子若穿著痛死人的尖头鞋可能不在乎舒适的问题。The girl in the painfully pointy shoes may not care about comfort.

那个有尖头屋顶的,现在我看不见,是金丝雀码头本身。The one with the pointy roof, which I can't see, is Canary Wharf itself.

这些星星组成了一个带着尖尖的屋顶的小房子的形状。These stars make a shape that resembles a little house with a pointy roof.

如果你有一张三角型的脸,这意味着你有一个尖下巴。If you have a triangle shaped face, this means that you have a pointy chin.

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我的后背覆盖着又硬又尖的刺,我的腹部柔软而多毛。My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry.

带上你的尖顶帽,长一副胡须,喝着震动可乐加入到娱乐当中来把。Put on your pointy hat, grow a beard, drink Jolt Cola and come join in the fun.

我有一个圆胖的身子,一个又长又窄的脸,尖尖的耳朵和一条小巧的尾巴。I've got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail.

尽可能保持飞机的空速管朝前,这总是一个好主意。It's always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward as much as possible.

尖屋顶将逐渐取消,代之以简单的橄榄绿门面。The pointy roofs are being phased out and replaced by simple olive green facades.

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取下踏板,车轮横杆及其他任何尖锐物以防刺穿盒子。Take off pedals, wheel skewers and anything else pointy that may puncture the box.

现在,我们要圆滑图像中的转角,因为它们看起来有些尖锐。Now we will round off the corners of the images, so they look a little less pointy.

“任何真正的尖将施加更大的压力是凸点”,她说。Anything that's real pointy is going to put more pressure on that bump, " she explains."