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还好喝了娜塔美白汤祛斑。Natalia also drink a whitening beauty cream soup.

娜塔丽26岁了,但她看上去很小。Natalia is 26 years old, but she looks much younger.

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这之前一年,他和化学家娜塔莉亚·斯威特洛娃结婚。A year earlier, he had married Natalia Reshetovskaya, a chemist.

纳塔莉亚穿着冬天的大衣,双手深深地插在口袋里,面无表情地站在站台上。Natalia stood expressionless on the platform in her winter coat.

纳塔利向赖安和艾丽克斯说起与男友分手的事。Natalia talks to Ryan and Alex about her breaking up with her boyfriend.

Natalia认为对于女性的教育是毁坏了家庭的价值。Natalia thought that the education of women was destroying family values.

团队中唯一的两位女性-纳塔莉亚和她的女经理得到通知说她们可以去做水疗。Natalia and her manager, the only females, were told they could go to the spa.

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索菲娅的继母纳塔莉亚及其子彼得目睹了这场暴行。Two witnesses to the brutality are Sophia's stepmother Natalia and her son Peter.

有一段时间,另一个所知为Natalia的监察代理人,被锚定来帮助然人类提升。For a time, another overseeing factor known as Natalia was anchored to assist with human ascension.

娜塔莉娅·安巴尔尼克娃从小以写作为创造方式,她12岁的时候她的作品已开始被出版。Natalia Ambarnikova started her creativeness as a writer and has been published since the age of 12.

一天晚上,高笛瓦勒的同事纳塔丽娅出去吃晚餐,挥霍了很多钱。A colleague of Godiwalla's, "Natalia" set out one night to expense the most money possible at dinner.

印度尼西亚大学中国研究中心主任苏圣丽将中国总理温家宝访问印尼和去年美国总统奥巴马的出访做了比较。Natalia Soebagjo is the chairperson of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Indonesia.

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纳塔莉亚和迪米特里的友好发自内心,我的旅行由此而具有了全新的积极意义。Natalia and Dimitris's spontaneous gestures of friendship had given my journey a new, positive dimension.

第一天的亮点包括俄罗斯超模纳塔利·沃佳诺娃的意外现身,和许许多多名不见经传的设计师。Highlights include a rare sighting of Russiansupermodel Natalia Vodianova and lots of lesser-known designers.

在女子10米气手枪项目中,俄罗斯的娜塔莉亚·帕德琳娜赢得了银牌,格鲁吉亚的尼诺·萨鲁克娃赢得了铜牌。Russia's Natalia Paderina won silver and Nino Salukvadze of Georgia bronze in the women's 10m air pistol event.

纳塔利·沃佳诺娃麻雀变凤凰的故事使她成为最近受谈论最多的模特。Natalia Vodianova's rags to riches life story has made her one of the most talked about models in recent memory.

纳塔莉亚深知索菲娅心意已决,于是匆忙将孩子带出克里姆林宫,远离潜藏的危险。Natalia knew well the depths of Sophia's resolve and swiftly removed her son from the danger that lurked in the Kremlin.

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一位杰出的人权活动家纳塔莉亚·艾斯特米罗娃,遭到绑架,随后在英古什附近发现已被打死。And a prominent human-rights activist, Natalia Estemirova, was abducted and later found shot dead in neighbouring Ingushetia.

在太阳之路棚户区内,32岁的纳塔丽阿·胡曼纳胡依和儿子在一起,儿子正在打开一台使用汽车电池供电的电视。At left, Natalia Huamanñaqui, 32, with her son, who turned on a television using a car battery in the Ruta de Sol shantytown.

纳塔利亚艾斯提米罗芙的尸体被遗弃在俄罗斯车臣利亚和英格丽舍奇亚边境交接处的森林里。The body of Natalia Estemirovawas found dumped in a forest near the border between the Russian Republic of Chechnya and Ingushetia.