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波普尔有使玉米入面粉。Pople there make maize into flour.

而且甘蔗比玉米的占地少。And sugarcane needs less land than maize.

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这块地可以种高粱或玉米。We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot.

我们必须挑选最好的玉米做种子。We must select the best of maize for seeds.

玉米也无法结出较好的棒子。The maize plants cannot produce a healthy cob.

玉米是泰国一种重要的谷类作物。Maize is one of major cereal crops in Thailand.

一个玉米穗里会有更多饱满的玉米粒。There are more kernels in a given ear of maize.

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洛玉941是个丰产潜力比较大的玉米单交种。Luoyu-941 is a high-yield potential hybrid maize.

玉米粟子刚刚吐穗。The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.

测交组合在河南夏玉米区表现一般。No ideal cross was found in Henan summer maize area.

玉米抗旱性是一个复杂的综合特性。Drought resistance in maize is a synthesis character.

我们还分析了它在玉米基因组中的同源序列。The homology of it in maize genome was also analyzed.

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高粱、玉米比较好些,秆子比较粗。Sorghum and maize with their stouter stalks do better.

我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.

而单用大垄沟种植对玉米的生长无明显的增进作用。While, the effect of BR on maize growth was not marked.

在之前的11年中,墨西哥禁止种植转基因玉米。Mexico had banned the planting of GM maize for 11 years.

倒伏严重影响玉米产量和品质。Lodging seriously influenced the yield and quality of maize.

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美国人把玉蜀黍叫做印第安玉米,或直接把它叫做玉米。Maize is called 'Indian corn' or simply 'corn' by Americans.

用权力要求9的方法产生的雄性不育玉米植株。A male sterile maize plant produced by the method of claim 9.

王葡萄和孙怀清想办法吃了蜀黍芯。The king grape and Sun Huaiqing trying to eat the maize core.