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多媒体教学是当前教学手段改革的重要趋势。Multimedia teaching is the important current of didactical instrument reformation.

教学功能是教科书获得自身存在合理性与必要性的根本依据。Didactical function is the foundation of rationality and necessity of textbook's existence.

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利用此课件取代课堂教学的演示实验,可以改进教学效果。The didactical effect can be improved with the ware instead of demo experiment in teaching process.

传统散文重在对客观世界的描摹和对读者的“教化”。Traditionally, prose lays emphasis on the description of the objective world and didactical instructions.

共享教学资源,例如教学工具,课程及工作坊模式,参考书目等。Sharing didactical resources such as teaching tools, course and workshop formats, bibliographical references.

而“探究性教学”作为一种较新的教学模式,可以有效地培养学生的问题意识。The probing into teaching method as a new didactical mode can cultivate the students' questionary consciousness.

该过程可以作为物理专业的一个中级物理实验,可以使学生得到很多锻炼。This can be set as a didactical physics experiment for the physics students, they may get much from the experiment.

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PBL教学法目前已成为国际上较为流行的教学模式。但在国内高等医学教育中的经验非常少。PBL teaching is an international popular didactical paradigm, but there is seldom practical experience in local higher medical education.

文章探讨了“专升本”院校教学质量监控体系的建立及教学督导与评价的实施。The essay discuss these colleges establish didactical quality control system and the didactical intendance and estimate bring into effect.

如何提高多媒体组合教学的质量和效果,是当前教师在多媒体组合教学活动中面临的重要课题。The important task which teachers are confronted with is how to improve didactical qualities and effects in the multimedia combined teaching activities.

目的规范教学管理模式,提高护生临床实践能力和临床护理教学水平。Objective To design criterion of nurse didactical management mode and improve the nurse clinical practice ability and the clinical nurse didactical level.

文章就我国目前肿瘤学教育现状和肿瘤治疗中存在的问题进行了分析,并对肿瘤学教学的模式、方法、任务和目标进行了探讨。We analyse a host of questions in medical education on oncology in our country at present, and study didactical methods, goal and task on oncology education.

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论文结合汽车维修实际实例,就教学实践过程中如何加强学生维修思维方法的培养提出了几点看法。Combining with actual automotive maintenance case, this paper puts forward some ideas on training students' maintenance thinking strategy in didactical courses.

主要介绍了利用XML强大的数据描述能力表述教学内容,以及结合XSLT技术进行动态处理,从而实现教学内容自适应的方法。A method of using XML to describe didactical course content, and combining XSLT techniques to produce adaptive formatted output for individual student is presented.

学生学习数学,不仅要掌握教学大纲所规定的数学实践知识、技能和能力,而且要掌握数学思维的方法,促进思维的发展。Students must mastery not only episteme and ability, which didactical outline stipulates, but also ways and means mathematic thinking, that can develop their thinking.

文章针对热能与动力工程专业,从教学大纲、教学内容、教学组织等方面,提出了若干改革的思路和设想。It is presented several reformation thoughts and reformation methods of thermal energy & power major in didactical guidelines, teaching contents and teaching method etc.

本文以具体的教学案例介绍了在工科院校提高学生物理实验设计创新性思维能力的方法。In this article, using concrete didactical cases, the authors have recommended the way to improve the creative thinking ability of the students in physics experiment design teaching.

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本文从如何提高C语言课程教学质量、增强教学效果、培养和提高学生分析问题、解决问题能力和创新能力等方面,谈谈在教学上的一些经验和体会。The article is talking about how to enhance the didactical quality and effect of the C programming language and how to improve pupils'innovative ability to analyze or solve problems.

为开发具有满足教学大纲和用户要求的自动组卷功能的通用试题库管理系统奠定基础。The foundation of the management systems of current test storage that can automatically build-up examination papers and meet the need of the users and didactical outlines was established.

与此同时,全国中等学校师资大多因由非师范院校培养而日渐呈现出缺乏教育专业理论和教学技能训练的弊端。At the same time, the most middle school teachers who had been bring up by non-normal college increasingly presented the disadvantages lack of educational theories and didactical skill training.