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共和国至此扫平了当时他们最强的对手。The NCR had defeated their strongest opponent yet.

确保不符合品报告的有效性,协调质量事故的解决。Ensure the all NCR be efficient and concert the solution for quality incident.

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新加州共和国的武装力量包括了人类、僵尸和变种人。Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all known to serve in the NCR armed forces.

和新加州共和国军队不同,军团士兵不按军衔而是按作战经验进行编制。Unlike the NCR Army, Legionaries are not organized by rank but by direct combat experience.

钢铁兄弟会与新加州共和国之间到来的和平稍稍减轻了维罗妮卡对于兄弟会面对的未来的担忧。The peace with NCR served to ease Veronica's worries about the Brotherhood's immediate future.

自动取款机制造商迪堡多富和NCR对路透社说,他们已经意识到了黑客攻击的威胁。Two cash machine manufacturers, Diebold Nixdorf and NCR Corp, told Reuters they were aware of the threat.

尽管她已经离开了她的团体,但兄弟会与新加州共和国间的和平协议还是稍稍缓解了维罗妮卡的情绪。Despite her departure from the group, the Brotherhood's peace treaty with NCR came as some relief to Veronica.

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财富酒店格拉齐亚欢迎您在首都地区的NCR的国家心脏的商业活动在诺伊达。Fortune Inn Grazia welcomes you in the heart of commercial activities of NCR National Capital Region at Noida.

因此,在前八名中,有六个印度城市,包括率先的班加罗尔、德里首都区以及孟买。In the top eight, therefore, there are six Indian cities, including the first movers Bangalore, Delhi NCR and Mumbai.

新加州共和国军队随后借势反击,击溃并最终将军团赶回了大坝以东。The NCR forces then counter-attacked, pushing back and eventually routing the Legion forces who fled east back over the dam.

安迅物流运输成立于1994年,原属中国人民武装警察部队水电指挥部。NCR logistics and transport, was founded in 1994, originally belonged to the Chinese People's Armed Police Resources Command.

管理来自于机加工流程的内,外部不合格报告以防止不合格流入客户。Maintanence internal and external NCR from machining process to prevent the parts with nonconformance to delivery to customer.

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新加州共和国主要由农民,商人和在战后世界的危险中寻找保护的定居者组成。Most of the NCR is made up of farmers, merchants or settlers seeking protection from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world.

新加州共和国似乎拥有很多战前科技,普通新加州士兵装备着服役步枪和标准护甲。The NCR seems to have access to a lot of pre-War technology. Standard NCR soldiers have service rifles along with the standard armor.

阿梅利奥很了解自己的对手,作为一名后勤和供应链专家,他不仅曾经在戴尔工作,还曾经在NCR与惠普现任首席执行官马克-赫德共事过。Amelio knows his competition. A logistics and supply-chain expert, he worked not only at Dell but also with HP's CEO Mark Hurd at NCR.

来自加州的商人们被莫哈维前哨战的NCR军队遣返了,因为那里的NCR官员担心尼普顿高速和15号州际公路已不再安全。Traders from California are being turned away from Mojave Outpost, where the NCR is concerned about dangers along Nipton Highway and I-15.

在汉伦军士长的指挥下,新加州军就是在军团的这个严重弱点上赢得了第一次胡佛水坝战争的胜利。Under the command of Chief Hanlon, the NCR demonstrated and exploited these weaknesses to great effect during The First Battle of Hoover Dam.

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沃尔玛用于计算的系统正是来自全国现金出纳机公司和现在独立出来的数据仓库部门天睿资讯。The company whose system crunched Wal-Mart’s numbers was none other than NCR and its data-warehousing unit, Teradata, now an independent firm.

评审之前的审核报告以及所有的之前3年的NCR关闭证据,并且识别出需要优先考虑的审核区域。Review the previous registrars reports and all the NCR closure evidence from the past 3 years and identify any areas that need to be prioritized.

新加州共和国同时也力图恢复废土的秩序和进步,不过近些年来,实现这些理念越来越困难了。The NCR also strives to restore order and progress in the Wasteland, though in recent years, it has faced difficulty living up to those standards.