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有肉桂,豆蔻和咖啡的余味。End with the flavour of cassia, cardamom and coffee.

小豆蔻经常也在印度菜或印度香辣奶茶中找到。Cardamom is often a spice also found in Indian cooking or Chai Tea.

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喜欢上你的时候,我们还是豆蔻年华,岁月变迁,不变的依然是这份情。In love with you, we Love cardamom , time changes, this is still the same situation.

这种甜品,散发着绝妙气味的豆蔻与幼滑的牛奶蛋羹完美地组合在一起,浇上焦糖的柑橘散发着的芬芳让这道菜赏心悦目,比它的美味还要更胜一筹。The sweet, subtle scent of the cardamom pairs wonderfully with the smooth egg custard.

其他口味包括绿茶、生姜、酸梅、芝麻、山葵、丁香、豆蔻和南瓜等。Other flavors are green tea, ginger, sour plum, sesame, wasabi, clove, cardamom and pumpkin.

油热了后,加入小豆蔻子和桂皮卷,几秒钟后取出。When hot, add the cardamom pots and cinnamon stick, leave for a few seconds and then remove.

在印度,人们把冰淇淋叫做“kulfi”,是在杏仁奶中加入豆蔻和玫瑰水调制而成的。加入炼乳和奶油会使制作时间缩短。In India, ice cream is called kulfi and made from almond milk flavored with cardamom and rose water.

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几个世纪以来,豆蔻一直被用于清洁牙齿、制作香水,甚至用作治疗肥胖的药物。Over the centuries cardamom has been used as a tooth cleaner, a perfume and even as a cure to obesity.

在大碗里搅拌蛋黄,把豆蔻牛奶混合物过滤到正在搅拌的蛋黄中。Whisk the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. Strain the cardamom milk mixture into the yolks while whisking.

本周我进一步改良了做法,把豆蔻用在甜蛋羹中配以棕榈叶焦糖浇制的柑橘。This week I went a step further and used cardamom in a sweet custard with oranges caramelized in palm sugar.

在一个中号碗中,将桃子,黑霉,草莓,蜂蜜和斗粉搅拌,摇匀,冷藏。In a medium bowl combine peaches blackberries strawberries honey and cardamom. toss together and refrigerate.

其网站上拥有彩色图片的古柯,豆蔻和科拉坚果,连同其他关键的“天然”成分。Its website boasts colorful pictures of coca, cardamom and Kola nuts, along with other key "natural" ingredients.

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加米、桂皮,小豆蔻和香菜籽,充分搅拌至每粒米都裹上油。Add the rice, cinnamon stick, cardamom and coriander, stirring well to ensure all the grains are coated in the oil.

但是在芒果收获的高峰期,它真正用到的就只是新鲜的果肉和少许的豆蔻了。But during peak mango season, all it really takes is fresh pulp with a dash of cardamom. Pop the aamras into the fridge.

小豆蔻也对消化具有一种舒缓但激励性的效果,也是一种用于茶或食物中有益的日常滋补。Cardamom has a soothing but stimulating effect upon digestion and is a useful daily tonic as tea or in one's food source.

或许那是很多人眼里,最豆蔻的年华,洛丽塔一样晶莹紧绷的小肉体,不管穿什么都好看。Perhaps is that many people's eyes, the cardamom time, lolita as crystal tight little body, no matter what to wear good-looking.

盖上锅盖,烧12-15分钟,然后把蛋羹从锅中取出,放在一边冷却,我喜欢冷藏蛋羹一晚上以使豆蔻的香味发挥到极致。Remove custards from steamer and set aside to cool. I like to refrigerate the custards overnight to develop the cardamom flavour.

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当斯麦把柬埔寨山地骑行说成是一种“艰难的探险”时,他的眼睛里闪着光,但是他说别的选择也还是有的。There is a twinkle in his eye as he describes the Cardamom Mountains as a “hard adventure”, but Smey said there are other options.

而土耳其人则是首个将其作为饮料生产原料的国家,他们往往会在饮料的酿造期间添加一些香精,例如丁香、肉桂、豆寇和茴芹等等。The Turks were the first countries to adopt it as a drink, often adding spices such as clove, cinnamon, cardamom and anise to the brew.

小豆蔻精油的香味将你打开到你的内在世界或梦想时间,以更好甄别你自己生命之舞中的真相。Cardamom is an oil who's scent will open you up to your inner world or dream time to better discern your own truth in the dance of life.