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这件行李我不托运。I wont check this baggage.

这次你插翅难逃。You wont get away this time.

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我包管此类事情不会再发生。Iassure you it wont happen again.

我不达目的,誓不罢休。I wont stop until I reach my goals.

这是一个关于惯于放弃的故事。Talk about a story that wont give up.

因此,你不会浪费任何人的时间。Therefore you wont waste anyones time.

丢失或碎片不会停下来的VLC。Missing or broken pieces wont stop VLC.

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尉炝得给你讲,太长了。I wont bother telling you, its too long.

库尔班和阿娜尔罕知道在这里等不到阿迪力了。KuErBan and ana know wont wait here ADiLi.

所以!亲爱的主啊!祢会买一辆宾士给我吗?。So oh lord, wont you buy me a mercedes benz ?

我不会流血自己干,在这个新的封建时代。I wont bleed myself dry in this new feudal age.

不能发出嘎吱作响或者沙沙声儿的食物他是不会吃的。If it doesn t crunch or crinkle, he wont eat it.

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我不可能开给你一张会遭退票的支票。I wont give you a check which I know will bounce.

我需要更合适的加大号。I Need PROPPER XXL sizes as anything else wont fit.

走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的!Just wait and see. I wont let you get away with that.

然而,这些投资者习惯于逢高抛售。However, such investors are wont to sell into strength.

坍塌不断向内时,我们不在这儿了,不会受到伤害了Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt

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如果你把小丸拿走,他就不会再推围栏了。If you take away the pellet, he wont push the bar at all.

对不起,即使给了一个跳楼价,我们也不会买它。Sorry even if offered at cut throat price, we wont buy it.

你现在工作的很好我希望你不会故态复萌。You re doing excellent work now I hope you wont backslide.