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这个世界黑暗。残忍。The world is dark and barbarity.

残暴地对待他们的俘虏。The pirates treated their captives with barbarity.

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海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。The pirates treated their captives with barbarity.

这也许是丛林中最残忍的场景了。This may be the most barbarity scene in the world.

发生在费鲁杰的是野蛮行为。What happened in Fallujah was an act of barbarity.

发生在费卢杰的是野蛮行为。What happened in Fallujah was an act of barbarity.

如果我们在这种高科技的野蛮残忍面前退缩的话。If we flinch in the face of this high-tech barbarity.

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我深深地为托勒密家族这种野蛮的行为而感到羞耻,羞耻!Shame on the house of Ptolemies for such barbarity. Shame.

认为人的本质是由“兽性”与“人性”共同构成的。This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.

对某个人的爱是一种野蛮行为,因为实践它要以其他所有人为代价。Love to one only is a barbarity , for it is exercised at the expense of all others.

纵观人类文明史,其手段之残忍、残酷、灭绝人性实属罕见!Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of cruelty and barbarity.

这是文明与落后、开化与原始、野蛮与理性的冲突。It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality.

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这可能是世界上最惨忍的景象了。人们会烤食任何他们想吃的东西。这髯猴的无故的眼睛控诉着罪恶。This may be the most barbarity scene in the world. People can barbecue everything they want. The Colobus satanas naive eyes charge the sin.

战争与科技在满足了人类膨胀的欲望的同时,又揭露了人类本性中的人性与兽性的对立。While meeting the increasing desires of humankind, war and technology revealed the conflict between humanity and barbarity of human nature.

巴特库兹表示︰「近年来,盗猎者的野蛮暴行为达到了新的高峰,他们甚至常在夜间从直升机上射杀鹿群。」In recent years, the barbarity of poachers has reached new heights, " said Butkhuzi. "They shoot deer even from helicopters, usually at night.

沙特5日表示,国际社会应做出更多努力阻止以色列进攻加沙地带的"暴行"。Saudi Arabia said Monday the international community should do more to stop Israeli "barbarity" in its military offensive against the Gaza Strip.

跟着这个退步性,加上日本又是一个带军事封建性的帝国主义这一特点,就产生了它的战争的特殊的野蛮性。It is this reactionary quality, coupled with the military-feudal character of Japanese imperialism, that gives rise to the peculiar barbarity of Japan's war.

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这里有公正性,揭示了野蛮和拜伦血液欲望战争无能的将领进行,并敦促它掠夺的统治者。Here, with an impartiality, Byron reveals the barbarity and blood-lust of war, the incompetence of the generals who conduct it, and the rapaciousness of the rulers who urge it.

认为动物不享有任何权利,妄称人类对它们的处置与道德无涉,这是西方残暴野蛮行为中最令人发指的一个例子。The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.

如果吃肉的结果是会危害人类社会的和平,对那些因此而受遭殃的受难者是多麽不公平与残暴啊。If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims.