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突然他意识到那是古纳尔。Suddenly he realized that it Was Gunnar.

萨索斯岛附近有石油蕴藏。Sasha Gunnar solskjaer island near a oil reserves.

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目前我正与索尔斯克亚和吉格斯在考取教练证书。I'm doing my coaching badges now with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Giggsy.

他的很多队友,如索尔斯克亚,住在这一片富人区。Many of his team-mates such as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer live in this wealthy area.

索尔斯克亚很高兴自己球队的表现,这也是克莱德的大日子。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was pleased with his side's performance, on an important day for Clyde.

我们在索尔斯克亚的指导下训练,这很有意思。We got to train with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and that was really fun and he was really friendly.

人们拿你和索尔斯克亚相比——你加盟曼联之前听说过他吗?People have compared you to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer – had you heard of him before you joined United?

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就像索尔斯克亚,塞内加尔射手来到曼联也是波澜不惊。Like Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the Senegalese striker's arrival at Old Trafford was decidedly low-key.

弗格森在这个周末也同时将迎来从伤病中康复的路易斯。萨哈和索尔斯克亚。Ferguson could also have Louis Saha and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer back this weekend after recent injury problems.

索尔斯克亚的眼光聚焦在700英里以外的远隔重阳的英格兰。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's eye has long been drawn 700-odd miles south west, beyond those mountains, to England.

事实上,他是个进球机器。他训练中就进球如麻,让我想起索尔斯克亚。Seriously, he is just a goal machine. He scores so many in training. He reminds me of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so much.

但法比奥在预备队还是干的不错,为索尔斯克亚的球队创造了不少进球。But Fabio consistently excelled at Reserve level, creating and scoring plenty of goals for Ole Gunnar Solskjaers side.

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索夏尔现在的工作就是指导曼联前锋如何进更多的球。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been given the job of helping Manchester United's misfiring strikers find the net more often.

索尔斯克亚很高兴看到自己的同胞玛格努斯。埃克莱姆和约书亚。金都得到了一队球衣号码。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is delighted to see his compatriots Magnus Eikrem and Joshua King handed first-team squad numbers.

索尔斯克亚表示在曼联新赛季第一场-八月对阵雷丁的比赛中,他将健康地出现在球迷面前。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has confirmed he will be fit for Manchester United's Premier League opener against Reading in August.

曼联预备队用主场大胜纽卡来为主帅索尔斯克亚送行。United's Reserves provided a fitting send-off for departing manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, hammering Newcastle United at Moss Lane.

奥莱。甘纳。索尔斯克亚正在与膝盖的伤病作斗争,以便争取参加2008年欧洲杯预赛。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is struggling to be fit for Norway's Euro 2008 qualifying double-header after complaining of pain in his knee.

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吉格斯坚持说当他被换上场的时候,这场对阵西班牙人的告别赛的局势立刻就被改变了。Ryan Giggs insists Ole Gunnar Solskjaer changed the game when he came off the bench against Espanyol in his testimonial on Saturday.

对于安德斯。林德嘉德,索尔斯克亚认为曼联新签的这个门将是范德萨的翻版。In Anders Lindegaard, United have signed a goalkeeper bearing a key hallmark of Edwin van der Sar, according to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

索尔斯克亚将权力移交给沃伦。乔希,他留下的是一支天赋出众蓬勃向上的球队。As Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hands over the reins to Warren Joyce, he can rest assured that he leaves behind a burgeoning bunch of talents.