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她名叫金芳。Her name is Jin Fang.

陈芳是一个农民。Chen Fang is a farmer.

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余下的就都进了方的腰包。The rest went to Fang.

魏芳会在哪里呢?Where can Wei Fang be?

早上好,方晓姐。Good morning Miss Fang.

你好,是我,杨芳。Hi, it's me, Yang Fang.

我是李芳,来自中国。I'm Li Fang from China.

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刘芳,你去哪里?Where is Liu Fang going?

魏芳今天在家吗?Is Wei Fang at home today?

喔,晚上好,方先生。?。Oh, good evening. Mr Fang.

打扰了你是方先生吗?Excuse me, are you Mr Fang?

不知方家以为如何?Fang did not know that how?

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这是我的朋友金芳。This is my friend Jin Fang.

也许你应该问小芳。Maybe you can ask Xiao Fang.

这是我的朋友林芳。This is my friend, Iin Fang.

这是我的朋友,林方。This is my friend, Lin Fang.

魏芳没有故事书。Wei Fang has no story-books.

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小芳,我给你讲个故事吧。Can I tell you a story, Fang?

孙方主持会议。SUN Fang chaired the meeting.

元芳你想说什么?Fang Yuan what you want to say?