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还要买一盆紫苏。And a basil plant.

巴兹尔知道老闆的下一步计划。Basil knew what his boss wanted next.

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加入青柠叶和九层塔。Add kaffir lime leaves and Thai basil.

巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。Sir. basil was composing his last words.

柠檬紫苏椰汁烤鸡。Grilled Coconut Chicken with Lemon Basil.

夏季谁会不喜欢清新的罗勒呢?Who doesn't love fresh basil in the summer?

拌入罗勒叶,把咖喱浇在饭上即可。Stir in basil. Spoon curry over rice. Serve.

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九层塔之类的香料可在有机食物店找到。Thai basil is available in organic food store.

马铃薯源于墨西哥,罗勒来自意大利,洋葱来自欧洲。Basil came from Italy. Onions came from Europe.

这使人们感到更放心,巴兹尔说道。That makes people more comfortable, says Basil.

番茄切粒,紫苏叶切丝备用。Dice tomatoes and shred basil leaves, set aside.

九层塔的独持香味深为客家人所喜爱,而被大量用在菜肴中。Stalks basil is used quite a lot in Hakka dishes.

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放入切碎的罗勒叶,最后加盐和胡椒调味。Add the chopped basil.Add salt and pepper to taste.

用小西红柿,乳酪,和含有罗勒的调味料调制而成的米粒沙拉Orzo Salad with Tomatoes, Feta, and Basil Vinaigrette

史密斯杜松子酒,柠檬汁,罗勒叶。Sipsmith Gin, Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup, Basil Leaves.

鸡腿肉在意大利香料中浸泡后用串肉签串连。Chicken strips marinated with basil threaded on a skewer.

姜黄和罗勒都是常用的阿育吠陀草药。Turmeric and sweet basil are commonly used Ayurvedic herbs.

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我在与一些罗勒和一些金盏花种植它们。I put them in a planter with some basil and a few marigolds.

最后,瓦西里在幼发拉底河边建了一座宅院,老死那里。Finally, Basil builds a house on the Euphrates and later dies.

鳀鱼、橄榄、蕃茄莎莎、黑胡椒、新鲜罗勒叶。Anchovies , Tomato salsa, Olive, Black pepper, Fresh Basil Leave.