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他学会了忍受她的喜怒无常。He has learnt to live with her moodiness.

我认为法国人的浪漫性格被误解了。I think our romantic moodiness is misunderstood.

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太多的紫色,如蓝色,可能会导致情绪低落。Too much purple, like blue, could result in moodiness.

而喜怒无常以及追求刺激也是她的魅力所在。Her moodiness and need for drama are also part of her allure.

在我眼里这些照片反映的是我所熟知的德国式的忧郁心情。To me it reflects a particular German moodiness that I know so well.

一种被使用过的不那么极端又常见的措施是情绪多变。A less extreme and more common measure employed is that of moodiness.

于是我的脾气越来越坏,开始痛恨一切。So the moodiness of my usual temper increased to hatred of all things.

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青少年的喜怒无常使这种情况更加令人琢磨不透。The moodiness of adolescents makes it all the more tricky, Grady says.

巨蟹座很容易闷闷不乐,因此他们以情绪起伏闻名。Cancers are easily upset which contributes to their reputation for moodiness.

如果你觉得老板的情况越来越差,这种情绪化可能变成仇恨。Moodiness can turn vengeful, should your boss's situation go from bad to worse.

每晚睡上7到8个小时可以为你增加能量,减少情绪低落。Seven or eight hours each night should increase your energy and decrease moodiness.

情志失调,机体失于调节,引起脏腑气血功能紊乱,发而为病。Moodiness can make the body's function in disorder. The Zhangfu Qixue is confused. It will cause the disease.

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后期的副作用包括疲劳、掉头发、血液计数降低、思考困难、喜怒无常、沮丧。Later side effects may include tiredness hair loss low blood count trouble with thinking moodiness and depression.

多变的月亮使你也很情绪化,而别人却不能够理解或察觉。The fluctuating Moon can reflect a moodiness in your nature that is not always understood nor appreciated by others.

与心情相关的很多因素都无法控制,很难避免情感上的传染。Many factors associated with moodiness are out of your control and it is very difficult to avoid emotional contagion.

后期的副作用包括疲劳、掉头发、血液计数降低、思考困难、喜怒无常、沮丧。Later side effects may include tiredness, hair loss, low blood count, trouble with thinking, moodiness , and depression.

肝虚的病征表现常为颈肩部肌肉拉伸张力、高血压、头痛、腹部绞痛、喜怒无常、易冲动等。Liver weakness associations include tension in the neck and shoulders, high blood pressure, headaches, cramping, moodiness , and impulsive behavior may follow.

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最能够理解水相星座的人是另一位属水相星座的人,因为其他星相的人可能会把他们性格中的这一特点误认为是不愿与人沟通,甚至是喜怒无常。The best person to understand the needs of a Water sign is another Water sign, for others may interpret their traits as an unwillingness to communicate or even moodiness.

一些无伤大雅的语句或行为、没有得到满意的答复、或只是自己情绪变化,都有可能是导火线,引起怒火烧身、唇枪舌剑,甚至大动干戈。Some insignificant remark or action, not getting a satisfactory reply to a question or just moodiness are enough to set fire and cause anger, snappy remarks, arguments and even physical fights.