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她对借出金钱很小心谨慎。She is chary of lending money.

那女孩对陌生人小心谨慎的。The girl is chary of strangers.

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奇怪的是我们对待赞美非常小心谨慎。It's strange how chary we are about praising.

其他国家也对中国的胃口显得小心翼翼。And other countries are chary of China's appetite.

所以对这种方法我们一直都非常谨慎。So I'm always a bit chary about that type of analysis.

德国谨慎花钱的消费者制约了国内需求。Consumers, chary of spending, are hobbling domestic demand.

他反对迫害,也不轻易作道德上的谴责。He is against persecution, and rather chary of moral condemnation.

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你在这样冒险的事业里投资要小心谨慎。You should be chary of investing any money in such a risky venture.

他们对于在那项风险很大的生意中投资态度很谨慎。They are chary of investing such an amount of money in the risky business.

我还非常谨慎,工作时我总会伪装起来,以配合任务需要。I'm also chary. I never work without a disguise that matches my assignment.

古莱先生是那种谨小慎微的人物,既无真挚的情感,又无男性的冲动。Mr. Gryce was of the chary type, most inaccessible to impulses and emotions.

但是,在推翻地方法院判决方面,联邦法院相当谨慎小心。But federal appeals courts are extremely chary of overturning state courts' decisions.

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我还非比寻常谨慎,任务时我总会伪装起来,以配合任务需求。I'm too chary . I not happen before work lacking a disguise those matches my assignment.

他的一点头能赐人以尊贵和威望,他谨慎的以免造成高贵泛滥。He could bestow knighthood and prestige by a nod, and he was chary of creating a too-extensive nobility.

另外,在风险投资者能够自由为银行融资以前,贷款管理者对批准新贷款仍然会保持谨慎态度。Moreover, until risk-taking investors freely fund banks, loan officers will remain chary of granting new loans.

问到她具体原因,说因为你们的性格有些相象,话不多,但很细心。When I asked the idiographic reason, said that coz he and me have the similar character with few words but very chary.

所以,对蒙古族长调牧歌的深入研究,是继承和发展蒙古族音乐文化的重要基础理论工作。Thus, the study of the pastoral song is an important theoretical work to chary on the develop the Mongolian musical culture.

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在初二的时候恋爱了,那位女生叫艳丽,笑容很迷人,并且相当细心,还是个班花。In my Junior 2, I fell in love with a pretty girl named Yanli. She was a very chary girl with charming smiles, and she was the head beauty in my class.

作为一个唯物主义者,马克思对于已经从历史现实主义中分离出去的唯物主义理念是谨慎的,而且认为通常有好的历史原因促成这种分离。As amaterialist, Marx was chary of ideas which were divorced from historicalreality, and thought that there were usually good historical reasons for thisseparation.