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在天花板上是一台电视。On the ceiling is a TV.

你够得着天花板吗?。Can you touch the ceiling?

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幸福就是,一台吊扇。Happiness is a ceiling fan.

我是来抢天花板的。I come to take the ceiling.

你可以用吸尘器清扫天花板。You can hoover the ceiling.

天华板是彩色的。The ceiling is many-colored.

油灯把天花板熏黑了。The lamp smoked the ceiling.

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天花板什么时候塌落的?When did the ceiling cave in ?

天花板忽然塌落。The ceiling came down suddenly.

这时候猪的哀嚎声,震于天际。The pig wailed off the ceiling.

水从天花板上滴下。Water dropped from the ceiling.

火焰一下子窜到了天花板。Flames sprang up to the ceiling.

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把灯从天花板挂下。Suspend a lamp from the ceiling.

四根柱子撑着顶篷。Four pillars support the ceiling.

这灯是从天花板吊下来的。This lamp hangs from the ceiling.

天花板上有一块水渍。There is a wet spot on the ceiling.

他用棍子碰天花板。He touched the ceiling with a stick.

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举起你的盆头到天花板。Raise your sitz bones to the ceiling.

我研究着空心天花板上的一个污点。I examine a stain on the tile ceiling.

将小手指尽力伸展向天花板的方向。Reach your pinkies toward the ceiling.