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另一个博克球状体位于其前方。Another Bok globule is in the foreground.

压力下,蛋白质熔化的球体状态。Pressure-induced molten globule states of proteins.

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定量讨论了自由降落升降机中实际液滴的形状。The shape of a liquid globule in a free-falling elevator is calculated.

一旦已经脱水,粘液不可能再水化。It is impossible to rehydrate a mucus globule once it has become dehydrated.

改进的弹簧银球电极可以减少畸变波形。The improved spring-electrode witha silver globule tip diminished the deformation.

这个球状物被视为映衬了被猎户座V380照亮的反射星云。The globule is seen silhouetted against the reflection nebula illuminated by V380 Orionis.

对于大气的变化,最大的湖也敏感得像管往中的水银。The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube.

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它们撞进周围的气体在球状体两边制造了一对弓形击波。They are slamming into neighboring gas to create a pair of bow shocks on either side of the globule.

一个叫“博克球状体”的冷氢“小金块”逆著该星团形成剪影。A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen called a bok globule is silhouetted against the star cluster.

在上面图片中心处的这个怪异的“生物”,是一个著名的彗星状云球的云气团。The odd looking "creature" in the center of the above photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule.

从这颗恒星发出的高能光线正把途中右上角的黯淡的彗星似的小球体中的尘埃消灭掉。Energetic light from this star is eating away the dust of the dark cometary globule at the top right the image.

球状物是由气体、分子和宇宙尘埃组成的冷云团,他太密集并阻挡了后面的所有的光。The globule is a cold cloud of gas, molecules and cosmic dust, which is so dense it blocks all of the light behind it.

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象鼻星云是IC1396星簇中的一颗狭长的水滴,而这个星簇是仙王星座喷发出来的物质。The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is an elongated dark globule within the emission nebula IC 1396 in the constellation of Cepheus.

从上面影像上方向下伸出的外表奇怪的“生物”或“大手”是一团被称为彗形球状体的气体云,但是这团球状体已经破裂了。The odd looking "creature" or "hand" extending down from the top of the above photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule.

在球状体身后那条扭曲的“尾巴”可能是从被怀疑的恒星刮出的一条物质摆动喷流的证实。The twisted "tail" on the back of the globule may be evidence for a wobbling jet of material being blasted from the suspected star.

孤立的、引力束缚的,质量在数百个太阳质量以下的小分子云称为包克球。Isolated gravitationally bound small molecular clouds with masses less than a few hundred times the mass of the sun are called Bok globule.

这个星云的核心部分又被标记为博克球状体CB230,它正在坍缩,其中很可能有一个双星系统正处于形成初期。Also cataloged as Bok globule CB230, the core of that cloud is collapsing and is likely a binary star system in the early stages of formation.

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本文从牛乳脂肪球的结构特点出发,从不同角度分析探讨了牛乳脂肪球的稳定性及其影响因素,为探讨酒精阳性乳的形成机理提供了理论依据。Based on the structural characteristics of fal globule of cow milk, stability ami affecting factors of fat globule of cow milk was studied in the current paper.

来自那未知恒星的气流同时也使象鼻星云变成图中狭长的形状,这看起来就像一条飞龙。The winds from this unseen star are also responsible for producing the spectacular filamentary appearance of the globule itself, which resembles that of a flying dragon.

介绍了用细线和小球演示物理实验的教学经验,说明了用小器材可做大实验的道理。This article introduces the teaching experience of demonstrating physics experiment with filament and globule which explains a reason of doing big experiment with little equipment.