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不,她是职业登山运动员。Yes, she's a professional climber.

攀爬者从极高的中央坠落上去。The climber fell from a great height.

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登山者以绳束腰。The climber girded himself with a rope.

他是一位优秀的攀登者,他不会摔下去。He was a good climber and he wouldn't fall.

登山者必须防备冰雪。The mountain climber started to hyperventilate.

爬山人四处摸着搭手之处。The climber scrabble about widely for a handhold.

照片中有一个攀登者,你能找出来吗?There is a climber in this photo. Can you find it?

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您有,或者想过要买一个猫爬架吗?Do you decide to buy a cat scratcher or cat climber?

此人最大的功能就是可以保护攀登者的安全。The person at the belay station securing the climber.

许多人认为他是这个世界上最疯狂的攀岩者。Many think he is the most psyched climber in the world.

为什么这位世界上最顶尖的攀岩者会受到如此多的误解?So why is the best rock climber in the world so misunderstood?

冰墙挑战了在阿尔伯塔省的班夫国家公园里的登山者。An ice wall challenges a climber in Alberta’s Banff National Park.

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登山者在融化的冰上找不到多少立足之处。The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice.

在南卡来罗那,一位登山者被救援人员从人造山岩山底救起。A climber is rescued in North Carolina at the bottom of a practice wall.

一个爬山运动员不能用较劣的装备去冒险碰运气。A mountain climber can't afford to take chances with inferior equipment.

安·兰德猜测这个“实干家”可能只是个向上爬的人。Ayn Rand speculated that this undertaker might just be a social climber.

不久法利是非常的好以至于可以迁回自己的在托儿所的家中。The strategy right now is just to try to get him to be a better climber.

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来自阿林顿的吉姆-诺尔曼就是一位忠实的攀岩爱好者。Jim Neumann, a resident of Arlington, Texas, is a long-time rock climber.

垂直绿化大部分是通过攀援植物来实现。Most vertical afforestation can be achieved by with the climber material.

在这种气候下,攀登者用僵硬的四肢爬上悬崖.In this climate, the climber climbed up the cliff with his stiff limbs.