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也许是金佛的伟岸?Buddha may be in physical gold?

做年度身体检查。Get an annual physical check-up.

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这在物理上是讲得通的。So this is making physical sense.

希腊文中有一个词“physicalThere is a Greek word "physical."

连体育锻炼也被列了进去It also depicts physical activity.

我们所说的物理物质究竟为何物呢?What do we mean by physical stuff?

最近我有一些身体上的疾患。Recently i have some physical herts.

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方天翼似乎没有出路了。The physical seems to be no way out.

等等,你说的关于我妈妈的事又把我搞糊涂了,她再也不会回到物质形体中了吗?never return again to physical form?

另一个物理变化也会发生。Another physical change would happen.

物理定律也可以是对称的。Physical laws, too, can be symmetric.

你上次全身检查是什么时候?When was your last complete physical?

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青年时期是长身体的时期。Youth is the time of physical growth.

暴力不单是身体上的伤害。Violence is not only physical assault.

体育运动后,我的肌肉酸痛。My muscles ache from physical exercise.

方天翼带着一连,出发了。The physical with the company, set out.

举一个欺骗的实例。There's physical examples of deception.

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我们所说的物质属性究竟是何物呢?What do we mean by physical properties?

我是个相当了不起的物理对象I'm a pretty impressive physical object.

我听说,这几乎是一场有身体接触的较力了。I'm told it is almost a physical tussle.