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许诺成空?Empty promises?

也没有啥承诺须去实现。No promises to keep.

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我们遵守您的承诺。We keep your promises.

谨防空洞的承诺。Beware of hollow promises.

拉乌包尔向她保证会保护她。Raoul promises to protect her.

姑娘家一定要守信用。Girls must keep their promises.

信靠神,持守神的应许。Trust God to keep his promises.

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每一天都有每一天的新使命。Each day has its own new promises.

它必须要兑现自己的承诺It has to live up to its promises.

我们有世界作出的承诺。We have the promises of the world.

神应许要洗清我们的罪。God promises to wash away our sins.

他许下要给大报酬的诺言。He made promises of a large reward.

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人的应许常是一无价值的。Human promises are often worthless.

这天气预兆着有好收成。The weather promises a good harvest.

他一向恪守诺言。He has always abided by his promises.

瑞雪兆丰年。A timely snow promises a good harvest.

他实现了所有曾经许下的诺言。He's made good on all of his promises.

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老黄答应和他赌。Laohuang promises to be betted with him.

预制构件承诺改变这种情况。Pre-fabrication promises to change this.

你得信守诺言。You have to deliver it on your promises.