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在纽约,曾经也有三不管地带。New York once had its own ungoverned zones.

巴基斯坦部落广阔分散,常常不能管治。The tribal regions are vast, rugged, and often ungoverned.

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冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth.

网络已经被证明是“无管制空间”,在那里,基地组织及其追随者们茁壮成长。The internet has proved to be an " ungoverned space" where al-Qaeda and its followers have thrived.

惠伦说,非洲司令部有比在法网不及和无人治理的地区搜寻激进分子更为长远的战略目标。Whelan said AFRICOM has a more long-term purpose than searching for militants in lawless or ungoverned areas.

但是,有关税务行政争讼法规较为零散、不规范且不完整。However, laws and regulations in administrative relief for taxation were more scattered, ungoverned and incomplete.

为了区分这些未得到治理的特征与服务规范,我们使用提供者描述这个术语表示它们。To distinguish that ungoverned set of characteristics from a service specification, we use the term provider description.

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更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。Muslims farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe.

很有可能,这种挑战会包括派兵前往恐怖主义茁壮成长的不受管制或敌对的地区。More likely, that challenge will involve putting boots on the ground in the ungoverned or hostile regions where terrorists thrive.

它们会造成无政府状态,恐怖主义、犯罪、贩毒和非法移民会从这里滋生并蔓延,从而影响到世界各国。They provide the ungoverned spaces from which terrorism, criminality, drugs and migration can spill over borders affecting nations around the world.

布什总统在纽约州西点军校的一次演讲中说,巴基斯坦有世界上最危险的“无人管理的地带”。During a speech at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, President Bush said Pakistan has some of the most dangerous "ungoverned spaces" in the world.

架构师在SOA治理委员中应该协助确保所有服务都被纳入生命周期的管理,防止出现未被治理的服务。The architects in the SOA governance board should help in ensuring that all services are in scope of lifecycle management, to prevent the presence of ungoverned services.

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现在,巴基斯坦情报部门主要负责地面搜捕,美国无人机在空中侦察,一刻不停的在靠近巴基斯坦和阿富汗边境的不受政府管制的部落区进行搜查。Today, Pakistani intelligence assets on the ground and American drones in the air hunt Kashmiri relentlessly in the ungoverned tribal areas near Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan.