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但恭顺外交仅能如此而已。But deferential diplomacy can only get you so far.

我一向恭敬、尊重艺术家。I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.

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她对任何权威人士总是必恭必敬。She is always extremely deferential to anyone in authority.

那种顺从和接受的思想已经消失了。The old idea of being deferential and accepting what you are told has gone.

毕夫现在变成了擦车工,对乔治毕恭毕敬。Biff has become an auto-detailer, and is now very deferential toward George.

佩洛西穿着灰色的西装裤,看起来毕恭毕敬的。Dressed in a grey trouser suit, Pelosi seemed almost deferential in her manner.

她曾经对他毕恭毕敬,但此刻她的话语听起来像在嘲弄他。She had always been deferential toward him, but now she sounded somehow teasing.

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费小胡子恭恭敬敬接连答应了几个“是”,眼睛看在地下。Fei Little Beard, his eyes still on the floor, replied with a string of deferential yeses.

民意测验显示今天的人们较少顺从组织和政治的权威。Polls show that people today are less deferential to authority in organizations and politics.

曾经恭敬的中国官员现在对痛批美国同行的错误而津津乐道。Once deferential Chinese officials now take delight in lambasting the mistakes of their US counterparts.

本章随后的几节将阐述行使审查的法院校为尊重机关决定的那一部分工作。Subsequent sections of the chapter explain this more deferential component of the reviewing court's job.

过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential.

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这些频道轮番询问普京一系列礼貌性的问题,从恭敬到谄媚。The channel heads took turns asking Putin a series of polite questions that ranged from deferential to obsequious.

这几日在皇宫之中,人人对他大为奉承,虽觉得意,却无玩耍之乐。Since then everyone in the Palace had become so deferential towards him, which was flattering, but not exactly fun.

颜回要去卫国的决心并没有因为老师这一席话而打消。What Confucius said couldn't dissuade Yanhui yet. He went on saying, "I will be upright inside and deferential outside."

她们更少使用非常恭顺的女性用语,甚至使用少量强硬的男性用语。They are using fewer of the very deferential "women's" forms, and even using the few strong forms that are known as "men's.

依据儒家思想,用敬语的女人就是贤良者,此想法主宰了日本传统的性别标准。The use of deferential language is symbolic of Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.

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爱德华王子以权利来换取人民的拥戴,传媒早年对爱德华王子毕恭毕敬,不太理会他的情史。King Edward VII exchanged power for popularity. The popular press in the early years of the century was deferential and ignored his many affairs.

根据液压凿岩机活塞的运动规律,建立了活塞运动微分方程,推导了其运动学参数的解析表达式。According to movement of piston in hydraulic rock drill, the deferential equation on piston was set up and its kinematic parameters' formula was deduced.

要想出一个更为妥帖的国之根本原则是非常难的,但是美国人民正在日趋地顺从于军方领导。It’s tough to think of an idea more central to the principles on which this country was founded, yet Americans are increasingly deferential to military leaders.