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旧话重提,可维护性问题The maintainability problem revisited

值愈高表示可维护性愈佳。A high value means better maintainability.

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所有这些都对可维护性和可扩展性提供了帮助。All of this aids in maintainability and extendibility.

第二代工具也不能保证可维护性。Second generation tools do not guarantee maintainability either.

这样做就拥有了一致性和可维护性的双重优势。This has the double advantages of consistency and maintainability.

优秀设计的关键因素之一就是注意保持系统的可维护性。One of the keys to good design is keeping an eye on maintainability.

这不仅是出于性能方面的考虑,更多的是为了可维护性。This is not just for performance reasons, but more for maintainability.

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除了代码的可维护性外,这个方法还有其他缺陷。This approach is flawed, but for more reasons than code maintainability.

一段代码的可维护性是个主观的问题。The maintainability of a piece of code is arguably a matter of subjectivity.

有一些新兴的语言正在代码的可维护性上面进行探索。A handful of the emerging languages are just explorations in maintainability.

添加一个模仿类是设计可维护性的系统的最后一个步骤。Adding a mock is the final step in designing this system for maintainability.

这样的分离是良好设计的标志,并可以增加可维护性。Such a separation is a hallmark of good design and increases maintainability.

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系统的可维护性还随着解决问题花费时间的增长而降低。Maintainability of the system also goes down with each hour spent fixing bugs.

别的一些问题包括代码的表达能力和可维护性。Some of the other problems involve expressability and maintainability of code.

这段代码在可维护性方面存在一些问题,我们来一一修复。There are several issues with the maintainability of this code that we can fix.

系统具有完备的调试电路,良好的可维护性。Also, the maintainability of this system is good with full on-board test circuit.

代码库的可维护性直接影响着软件的整个成本。The maintainability of a code base directly affects the overall cost of software.

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在此基础上对CNC车床的维修性水平进行了评价。From the distribution, the maintainability level of CNC lathes has been evaluated.

因此在飞机的早期阶段,必须充分考虑飞机的维修性问题。So the maintainability of airplane must be considered at the early stage of design.

由于只需要在一个地方定义该链接,从而提高了结构的可维护性。By only having to define the link in one place, the structure gains maintainability.