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我们认为停建应该延长。We believe that the moratorium should be extended.

北京暂缓了所有海外电影的上映档期。Beijing has imposed a moratorium on new foreign films.

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人们为什么会参加这个24小时的暂停购物活动呢?And why would anyone take part in a 24-hour shopping moratorium?

美国前总统柯林顿于1992年发布停止核子试爆法令。President Bill Clinton codified a 1992 moratorium on nuclear testing.

日益引起争议的生物燃料开发也是议题之一。Some people are calling for a moratorium on the production of bio-fuels.

一些人呼吁暂缓生产生物燃料。Some people are calling for a moratorium on the production of bio-fuels.

最后,美国总统赫伯特·胡佛下达了一年的禁令。as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.

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捕虾人和马萨诸塞州捕虾人协会反对禁捕。Lobstermen and the Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association argue against a moratorium.

但是ETC组织的布朗森说国际暂停声明是一个强硬而坚定的信号。But the ETC Group's Bronson says the international moratorium sends a powerful message.

大豆出口商正式得到暂停利用新开垦土地上出产产品的禁令。Soy exporters officially have a moratorium on using product from newly deforested land.

当年为保护北部沿海鳕鱼宣布的“临时性”休渔措施到今天仍在执行。A "temporary" moratorium on offshore northern cod announced that year remains in place today.

此外,在“暂停产”概念下,到底指的是停产哪些裂变材料,也不清楚。Moreover, it is not clear which fissile material is supposed to be subject to the moratorium.

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以色列暂停约旦河西岸定居点建设10个月的禁令9月26日到期。Israel's 10-month moratorium on settlement construction in the West Bank expires September 26.

菲律宾正处于一个25年的暂缓使用核能的时期,到2022年为止。The Philippines is under a 25-year moratorium on the use of nuclear energy which expires in 2022.

由于暂缓新建球场令的问题,他们就在合同中写进了我们不得公开谈论此事这一项。Because of moratorium issues, they'll put in the contract that we're not supposed to talk about it.

该地图附带了一份被推迟了很久的总统法令,意思是想使禁令正式化。The maps are to be attached to a long-overdue presidential decree meant to formalise the moratorium.

为了维护统一和谐,教内人士呼吁暂停举行同性婚姻仪式。In an effort to preserve unity, the communion has called for a moratorium on blessing same-sex unions.

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同时,具有影响力的研究人员正在呼吁在整个长江流域实行长期的禁渔期。Meanwhile, influential researchers are calling for a lengthy fishing moratorium for the entire Yangtze.

自从中国取消了去年发布的暂停首次公开募股的规定后,一些公司已经完成了上市活动。Since China lifted an IPO moratorium imposed last year, a series of companies has made it to the market.

奥巴马表示,未来对银行业的救助可能会附带一个90天的止赎延期偿付期。Obama has said future assistance to the banking sector would be tied to a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures.