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是的,有一瓶白葡萄酒。Yes, I have a bottle of Chablis.

夏布利葡萄酒色泽呈浅禾秆色,微泛绿色。The colour of Chablis is pale straw with green tinges.

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采用夏布丽风格酒的采摘酿造工艺制造。During production a Chablis style handling and wine making is used.

我想白葡萄酒或者麝香葡萄酒和您点的牡蛎都很相配。I think that Chablis or a Muscatel would go very well with your oysters.

对他们来说可能有烤鹅,舌头在冻,白葡萄酒和马爹利。For them there might be roast goose, tongue in aspic, Chablis and Martell.

我想白葡萄或是麝香葡萄酒和您点的牡蛎会很相配。I think that a Chablis or a Muscatel would go very well with your oysters.

我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis.

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我建议您点麻布丽白葡萄酒。我认为这种酒很适合您点的鱼。I would recommend the Chablis. I think this wine would be perfect with your fish.

我建议您点夏布丽白葡萄酒。我认为这种酒很适合您点的鱼。I would recommend the Chablis . I think this wine would be perfect with your fish.

夏布利村的名称是由法国最著名的白葡萄酒而得来的。The village of Chablis gives its name to one of the most famous white wines in France.

而且因为迄今为止我有这么严格遵循传统,我们喝的这顿饭塞布利。And because thus far I had so strictly adhered to tradition, we drank Chablis with this meal.

白葡萄酒是法国勃良地出产的好酒,配新鲜饮很好。Chablis is very good wine, producing in Burgundy of France. And Chablis goes well with seafood.

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在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。In the Chablis region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, flinty " wine.

独特的水果香伴随矿物质,香草味道衬托出丰富的果肉酒体,清新且回味悠长。Typical "Chablis" chardonnay style fruit with mineral, hints of apple, white fruits and scented herbs. Long after-taste.

雪比利一级园的酒是充满了强烈诱人的芫荽、香橙、柠檬等多种香味。Chablis Premier Cru has very attractive and intense aromas reminiscent of coriander, orange, lemon and many other intriguing flavors.

索比想到,一只烤野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布利酒,然后是卡门贝干酪,一小盃清咖啡和一只雪茄烟。A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle of Chablis , and then Camembert, a demitasse and a cigar.

这款呈现淡青色的酒,清澈明亮,散发着带有花香味的矿石气息,打火石的味道尤为明显。White-green colour, limpid and brilliant. Harmonious floral and mineral blends with gun-flint notes which are typical of Chablis wines.