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和我一起坐车.Ride with me.

他们乘坐空气。They ride on air.

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谢谢你载我这一程。Thanks for the ride.

我们乘了船。We took a boat ride.

你骑自行车吗?Do you ride a bicycle?

我想要一辆自行车来骑。I want a bike to ride.

我喜欢骑我的自行车。I like to ride my bike.

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我经常骑着自行车。I usually ride my bike.

他们坐上了直达快车。Ride the express train.

乘着那神奇的波斯飞毯。On the magic carpet ride.

一直骑到日落吗?Ride off into the sunset?

眼镜架在鼻子上。Spectacles ride his nose.

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今天我要好好骑骑自行车。Today's my big bike ride.

我们乘富兰克的车吧。Let's ride in Frank's car.

莫干山一日骑行。One day ride to Moganshan.

抓破绝望的疯浪。Ride the waves of despair.

很抱歉我又数落你了,伙计。I'm sorry to ride you, pal.

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这匹马骑起来不舒服。This horse is a rough ride.

但你可以骑着我们的小毛驴去。But you can ride our donkey.

我可以驾你的宝马与你一起游车河吗?Can I ride with U in Ur BMW?