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当夜加色丁王贝耳沙匝即为人所杀。The same night Baltasar the Chaldean king was slain.

你想从鳄鱼保护人这得到什么,年轻的卡尔迪亚人?What do you want from the crocodile guardian, young Chaldean ?

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当时,有几个加色丁人前来控告犹太人。It was then that Chaldean diviners came to the king accusing the Jews.

不,我的老师也是个卡尔迪亚人。可你为什么希望亚历山大的希腊人都死光呢?No, my master was also a Chaldean . But why wish for the death of Greeks from Alexandria?

这最后的5倍分工显然是借自古代迦勒思想目前在美索不达米亚。This last five fold division is clearly borrowed from ancient Chaldean ideas current in Mesopotamia.

什么?你对古代一流的占星术有多少了解?你不能把自己逼上悬崖!What? What do you know about the ancient Chaldean practice of royal divinations?! You can't bluff your way through!

发现你的上升的标志和根据根占星术系统计算数字算命学。It finds your ascendant sign and calculates numerology according to the Chaldean system of root and compound numbers.

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后来,迦勒底也被列入为一种礼仪,就如同在东方教会法规或教会法的东方法典里,被正式的引用。Of late, Chaldean has been added to the list of Rites, being formally cited as such in the CCEO or Eastern Code of Canon Law.

主要的神援引迦勒魔术鄂,来源的所有智慧和马尔杜克他的儿子,谁继承了他父亲的知识。The principal god invoked in Chaldean Magic were Ea, source of all wisdom, and Marduk his son, who had inherited his father's knowledge.

自2003年3月伊拉克被美军入侵以来,65岁高龄的加色丁礼大主教是最后一个被绑架的神职人员。The 65-year-old archbishop was the latest in a long line of Chaldean clerics to be abducted in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003.

或许一些从巴比伦王或迦勒底王所下达的命令中,必须要拜国王或是金像,但他们仍然做了他们素常所做的。Maybe some commands from the king of Babylon or Chaldea to command Babylonian or Chaldean to worship the king or golden idol, but they still do what they do as usual.

本月早些时候,中情局第三把手司各特。瓦埃特与底特律地区阿拉伯和拉美社区的首领会面。Earlier this month, the CIA's third highest-ranking official, Scott White, held meetings with leaders of the Arab-American and Chaldean -American communities in Detroit.

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其他人信奉有二千年历史的叙利亚传统,主要代表是伊朗的迦勒底天主教,及伊拉克和伊朗家喻户晓的亚述人阿拉姆代言人。Others subscribe to the 2, 000-year-old Syriac tradition represented mainly by the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and by Aramaic speakers widely known as Assyrians in both Iraq and Iran.