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他把它割开了。He cut it open.

现在把它剪下来。Cut it down now.

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我切到手指了。I cut my finger.

他的手割破了。I've cut my hand.

我换发型啦、我头发剪过啦。I had my hair cut.

我从来不逃课。I never cut class.

我想剪个小平头。I want a crew cut.

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这样的木槽叫水槽。The groove so cut.

什么也别说,废话少说。Cut the small talk.

切副乳无效果吗?No Furu cut effect?

哎哟,我切到手指了.Ow,I cut my finger.

她割喉了。She cut her throat.

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泡绵无尘切割。The foam clean cut.

他可以把头发剪了。He can cut his hair.

他把他的手割坏了。He has cut his hand.

鼻毛修了,打勾。My nose hair is cut.

洗牌和切牌。The Shuffle and Cut.

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理发加修面?A hair cut and shave?

帮你割草好吗?Can I cut your grass?

生命之刀!随着年岁切割着你。Cut you with the age!