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我于是乎下定决心去巴贝多岛旅行。I resolved to travel to the island of Barbados.

巴巴多斯岛是第一个真正接受这一产业的岛国。Barbados was the first island which actually understood the Industry.

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假设你赢得了一次去巴巴多斯旅行的机会,你感到特别兴奋。Let's say you've just won a trip to Barbados and you are really excited.

我们要去参加一个在巴贝多的研讨会你会说“巴贝多”吗?We're going to a conference in Barbados . Right? Can you say, "Barbados"?

就是说,巴贝多航空真是不关心你的私生活。Yeah. It's almost as if Air Barbados doesn't care about your social life.

活拜马场有个又急又窄的弯位,巴巴多斯的跑道也十分狭窄。There's a hairpin bend at Woodbine and the track in Barbados was very compact.

我小时候的举止有点像个男孩子,现在也还是有一点。I was a tomboy the majority of my life back in Barbados . I'm still a little tomboyish.

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巴巴多斯与圭亚那将最终法院转到了位于西班牙港的新加勒比法院。Barbados and Guyana have switched to the new Caribbean Court of Justice, based in Port of Spain.

它由来自巴巴多斯的英国人,于7世纪30年代创建并于85年由荷兰统治。Settled by the British from Barbados in the '30's, it came under Dutch rule in 85. Population, '7,905.

至于美国也只排名第40,尚不如巴巴多斯、爱沙尼亚及纳米比亚等小国。As for the United States ranked only 40th, not as Barbados , Estonia and Namibia, and other small countries.

作为对鲍威尔所做业绩的认同,他被指派为巴巴多斯甘蔗实验站的农业主管。In recognition of his services, he was appointed as Agricultural Super¬intendent of sugar cane experiments in Barbados.

两人于2004年10月在巴巴多斯结婚,育有3岁的女儿萨姆和19个月大的儿子查理。The couple had married in October 2004 in Barbados and have a 3-year-old daughter, Sam, and a 19-month-old son, Charlie.

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加勒比海盗由于英国海岸,比如安提瓜岛、巴巴多斯岛的港口而昌盛一时。Piracy flourished in the Caribbean because of British seaports such as Nelson's Dockyard, Antigua, and ports in Barbados.

事故发生地点是在北纬15度,西经46度,大约在巴巴多斯以东800英里的洋面上。The location for the incident was given as 15 degrees north and 46 degrees degrees west, about 800 miles east of Barbados.

到达巴巴多斯岛后,科琳穿上粉色的沙滩裙陪儿子Kai在沙滩玩耍。After arriving in Barbados on Saturday, the star opted to cover up in a pink patterned beach dress as she played with son Kai.

麦克迪阿迈德说,巴巴多斯的这种动物是一种线程蛇,也被称为蠕虫蛇,这类蛇的大部分都是在热带地区发现的。McDiarmid said the Barbados creature is a type of thread snake, also called worm snake, which are mostly found in the tropics.

迄今为止,我们的研究把重点放在了利用细胞培养生产可可、巴巴多斯麻风树坚果的油以及橙汁。So far, our work has focused on using cell culture to produce cocoa, the oil of the Barbados nut Jatropha curcas, and orange juice.

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公司设在巴巴多斯岛以减少赋税,但其行政长官均由北克罗里纳州黑水总部的官员担任。The firm was incorporated in Barbados for tax purposes, but had executives who worked at Blackwater’s headquarters in North Carolina.

这位23岁的新妈咪在和儿子Kai在巴巴多斯岛度假时,身着黑色比基尼,大秀自己健康的肤色和平坦的小腹。The 23-year-old WAG showed off her toned figure and enviably flat stomach in a black bikini while on holiday with son Kai in Barbados.

他的糖料种植园给他带来可观的财富,令他立身于巴巴多斯岛并成为布里奇顿上流社会的一员。His sugar plantation brought him reasonable wealth, and he found himself among the best society of Bridgetown on the island of Barbados.