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男孩子们害怕地相互看着。The boys looked at each other fearfully.

男孩子们害怕地相互看著。The boys looked at each other fearfully.

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玫瑰在刺丛上瑟瑟颤抖。The roses fearfully on thorns did stand.

维克走进屋时,梅林达和史蒂夫惊恐地抬起头来。Melinda and Steve looked up fearfully when Veach walked in.

在那里他们提心吊胆地窥视着窗外的常青藤。In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine.

“你怎么会知道我在这儿呢?”牧师惊惧地问。"How knewest thou that I was here?" asked the minister fearfully.

突然,传来了微弱的铃声,玛妮雅惊恐地听着。Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully.

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她的光滑脸看起来比以往任何时候更苍白。The smooth pallor of her unwrinkled skin looked more fearfully white than ever.

举例说,在以赛亚书第六章,乌西雅王已逝世,当时的情况看来非常不稳定。In Isaiah 6, for example, King Uzziah had died, and life seemed fearfully unstable.

在几轮实验后,即使没有电击,老鼠也对光照产生畏惧。After a few rounds, the rats would respond fearfully to the light, even if no shock came.

首先,他和凯瑟琳的惊人的相像竟使他和她联在一起了。In the first place, his startling likeness to Catherine connected him fearfully with her.

手里捧着一捧冰冷的水,他害怕地抬头看了看,可他心里默默的亵渎之语,并没有受到什么惩罚。He looked up fearfully from his chill handful of water, but his silent blasphemy went unpunished.

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就是在这一天他终于认识到,在这个多灾多难的世界上并不存在什么太平乐土。It is the day he realizes that there are no untroubled countries in this fearfully troubled world.

他害怕的从裂缝边缘往下看,发现丢失的羊羔正在下面悲伤的咩咩叫着。Peering fearfully over the edge of the chasm, he sees deep below the missing lamb, plaintively bleating.

突然,传来了微弱的铃声,玛妮雅惊恐地听着。这是那信号吗?是的!两长两短的铃声。Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully . Was it the signal?Yes! Two long rings, two short rings.

所以纵使这些缺乏犁鼻器的小鼠能触碰到大鼠,看到它在呼吸,也并不害怕。So even though these mice can touch the rat and see it breathing, without the vomeronasal organ system mice don't respond fearfully.

你记着,威尔逊之死带来了可怕的报复,而现在还活着的人能够迫使你喝干下了毒药的圣餐酒杯里的残浆。Remember the death of Wilson was fearfully avenged and those yet live who can compel you to drink the dregs of your poisoned chalice.

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一群群不幸的敌军士兵在一片嘈杂和激动声中到处被抓,他们在这难以形容的恐怖场面中害怕得挤成一团。Pockets of hapless enemy soldiers are caught up here and there in the hubbub and excitement, huddling fearfully amid a scene of indescribable horror.

更可怕的是,这种人生观会直接毁坏磋商的基础,是人类不能和谐共处的最大原因。More fearfully , this kind of philosophy will destroy the base of consultation. It is the maximum reason why human can't live in harmonious coexistence.

他前面的电视屏幕上,一个女子穿着黑色高跟靴子,在私家车道上咔哒咔哒朝一座昏暗的房子走去,担惊受怕地扭过头瞅了一眼。On the screen in front of him, a woman in high-heeled black boots clicks up a driveway toward a darkened house while glancing fearfully over her shoulder.