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他的企图成了泡影。He failed in his attempt.

勇敢的尝试是乐成的一半。A bold attempt is half sess.

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为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”。C. make an attempt to do sth.

不要试图做不可能的事情。Do not attempt impossibilities.

不要尝试欺骗。There is no attempt to deceive.

不要尝试去把它们当宠物。Do not attempt to pet the dingos.

这种企图其实是徒劳无益的。This attempt is actually in vain.

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任何这样做的企图都是没有意义的。Any attempt to do so is pointless.

他在绝望中放弃了这种尝试。He gave up the attempt in despair.

他们的企图成了泡影。They were foiled in their attempt.

他发誓一试。He plighted his word to attempt it.

林肯说,福克斯将领导这次行动。He said Fox would lead the attempt.

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苊尝试去摘那颗星。I attempt to go to pluck that star.

我则把它看成存活下去的尝试。I see it as an attempt at survival.

乔纳森的第一次试跳是2.58米。Jonathan's first attempt is 2.58 m.

人们因不敢尝试而所受的损失很大。We lose much by fearing to attempt.

乔纳森的第一次试跳是2.58米。Jonathan's first attempt was 2.58 m.

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他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

我把这次尝试描述成一次失败。I described the attempt as a failure.

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