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他是一种算计的动物。He is an indirect animal.

这条路迂回地通向海滩。This route is indirect to the beach.

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以下哪一项是间接税?。Which of the following is an indirect tax?

那只是对这一问题的间接答复。That is an indirect answer to the question.

性别对双侧肾脏绝对长度的影响是间接的。The influence of gender on ARL is indirect.

是一种间接凹版的方法。It is an indirect intaglio printing process.

与学生们探讨间接测量方法。Discuss indirect measurement with the students.

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间接的增益控制正交调制器。Indirect quadrature modulator with gain control.

它也不会过于隐晦,所以不用担心这一点。It's not too indirect so don't worry about that.

扎尔达里通过赢得间接的选举从而取代了他的位子。Mr Zardari won an indirect ballot to replace him.

所有科学都三不五时要依赖间接证据。All sciences frequently rely on indirect evidence.

坚韧性人格对心理健康没有间接预测作用。Hardiness has no indirect effect on mental health.

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光照图仅储存间接入射光线。Lightmap storing only the indirect incoming light.

为烤架预热,使用油滴盘。Prepare grill for indirect heat, using a drip pan.

为了证明这一点,我们用间接证法。To prove that assertion, we use an indirect proof.

他那种不刀切斧砍地让我分开的方法激愤了我。His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me.

你会有什么感受,如果…”,还有间接方法。How would you feel if--" Then there's indirect ways.

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反身代词可作直接或间接宾语。Reflexive pronouns can be direct or indirect object.

所以,判给进攻方一个间接任意球。Award an indirect free-kick. Thanks to Jason Mennard.

在使用间接税方面,美国近乎老末。It is close to the bottom on its use of indirect taxes.