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天文学家将这一系统命名为“开普勒-11”。Astronomers will be the system named "Kepler -11."

开普勒携带着储备燃料用于任务扩展。Kepler has reserve fuel if NASA extends the mission.

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这颗行星是由美宇航局的开普勒星球追踪望远镜发现的。The discovery was made by NASA's planet-hunting telescope Kepler.

开普勒将寻找像地球这么小的行星。Kepler will hunt for transiting planets that are as small as Earth.

这也是美国宇航局空基望远镜开普勒所发现的第一颗石性行星,也称类地行星。It is also the first rocky, or Eah-like planet discovered by Kepler.

这也是美国宇航局空基望远镜开普勒所发现的第一颗石性行星,也称类地行星.It is also the first rocky, or Earth-like planet discovered by Kepler.

詹金斯是美国航空航天局开普勒搜索行星任务的分析领导。Jenkins is the analysis lead for NASA's planet-hunting Kepler mission.

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直接利用矢量解法求解开普勒问题,不必借助于比奈方程。The Kepler problem is solved by vector method and without the Binet equation.

直接利用向量解法求解开普勒问题,不必借助于比奈方程。The kepler problem is solved by vector method and without the bine t equation.

开普勒“将对天鹅座和天琴座中预计约10万个恒星体系展开不间断观测。Kepler will stare nonstop at 100000 stars near the Cygnus and Lyra constellations.

到目前为止,它探测的多数外部行星和海王星一般大,或者更大。Most of the exoplanet candidates reported by Kepler so far are Neptune-sized or larger.

不过,这颗行星的主要成分究竟是岩石、气体还是液体,科学家们尚不清楚。However, the team does not yet know if Kepler 22-b is made mostly of rock, gas or liquid.

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他的工作是维护,扩大和纠正伽利略和约翰内斯开普勒。His work was defended, expanded upon, and corrected by Galileo Galileiand Johannes Kepler.

不过,就在这个三月,NASA启动了开普勒卫星去搜寻类似地球的行星。Just this March, however, NASA launched the Kepler satellite to search for Earth-like planets.

开普勒当然是用德语写作的,但实际情况并非如此,他也用拉丁语写过文章。Of course Johannes Kepler was writing in German, actually no, he’d have been writing in Latin.

即使如此,该发现还是让科学家为之一振,他们期待开普勒能有更多新发现。Still, the discovery has scientists optimistic about what else Kepler might be able to reveal.

开普勒曾表明,地球的轨道是一个椭圆,这个椭圆有两个焦点,太阳在其中一个上。As Kepler showed, the Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, with the sun at one of the two focal points.

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另外,开普勒还会继续搜索其它可能有生命的类地球行星。In the meantime, Kepler will keep watching for other Earth-sized planets that may support life.

从开普勒三定律出发,分析这类运动中的守恒量。Starts with Kepler three laws, and analyzes the conservational quantity in this kind of motion.

在2年的任务执行中,美国宇航局“开普勒”行星搜索太空望远镜获得了巨大的成功。TWO years into its mission, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has been a big success.