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外源脱落酸则对这三种糖均有促进效果。Exogenous ABA has advance in these three sugars.

与此同时,我必须了解如何实施ABA项目。Meanwhile, I had to learn how to run an ABA programme.

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IAA还可能有提高籽粒中ABA含量的作用。IAA might have positive effect on the change of ABA level.

阿坝州职业教育面临着发展的大好时机。Vocational education in Aba State faces great opportunities.

他身高6英尺9英寸,一直在ABA为一支中国球队打球。Hes a 6,9 G and hes been playing in ABA for some chinese team.

随着温育液中ABA含量的增加,免疫传感器的安培响应降低。Ampere response of the immunosensor decreased as increasing of ABA concentration.

这种贸易渠道的学生进入学校属于ABA的克制公会。This restraint of trade funnels students into schools belonging to the ABA guild.

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本文对ABA和乙烯在冬枣采后成熟衰老中的作用进行了研究。This paper discussed effects of ABA and ethylene during the ripening of 'Dong jujube'.

因此,对胚的ABA敏感性研究,将有助于了解种子休眠机制。The study on embryonic sensitivity to ABA will help to understand the dormancy mechanism.

本文综合分析阿坝州宗教工作存在的问题,提出加强宗教法制建设的对策。This paper gives the countermeasures against the problems in Aba prefecture religious work.

党的民族政策是阿坝州经济社会发展的根本动力。The party's ethnic policies are the primary motivation for the development of Aba prefecture.

牧区教育是阿坝州民族教育的重要组成部分。Education of pastoral areas is an important component of the ethnic education in ABa Prefecture.

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除甘孜、阿坝、凉山三州尚未发现工业天然气气田以外,其他地区均已获得储量不等的天然气气田。Every region in Sichuan except Ganzi, Aba and Liangshan has natural gas fields of various reserves.

文章综述了ABA信号转导途径及其在生物胁迫应答过程中的调控作用。In this paper, we review the signal transduction of ABA and its regulatory role in biotic responses.

其中GA_3、ZR、IAA和ABA含量可能是引起巨峰葡萄夏芽休眠的关键原因,GA_3和ZR较高而IAA和ABA含量低促进夏芽休眠的解除。The GA_3, ZR, IAA and ABA levels might be the key factors affecting the dormancy of the summer buds.

应用胶体金免疫电镜定位技术研究水分胁迫下叶片ABA的再分配。With immunogold electron microscopy stress-induced redistribution of ABA in leaves has been studied.

说明顶部穗轴ABA含量的高低与玉米秃尖长度存在密切关系。It indicates that there is a close relationship between the content of ABA and barren ear tip of maize.

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震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。Aba epicenter was located in Wenchuan County, the earthquake caused a serious loss of life and property.

最初我们并没有把ABA作为主要的考虑,因为实施一个ABA项目太让人望而生畏了。At first, the prospect of running an ABA programme was so daunting that we didn't consider it seriously.

概述了ABA的生物合成、分解代谢途径及其调节机制。In this review, the pathways of ABA biosynthesis, catabolism and their regulation mechanisms were present.