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孩子们,这对方阵部队来说可是够爽Boy, that's a nice day for a hoplite.

重装步兵是为了方阵才存在的A hoplite only makes sense in a phalanx.

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这就是我们所说的重步兵方阵的含义So that is what we mean by the hoplite phalanx.

我认为这是理想的方阵战备方式I'd like to think that's the ideal hoplite mode.

好的,大家摆好重步兵的姿势,左脚在前Now, get into your hoplite stance, left foot forward.

所以在攻击的时候,必须得刺杀敌人You had to stick somebody with this hoplite phalanx sword.

但是,这里又有一个问题,希腊人在方阵战中会从战场追出多远呢However, there's this great question of how far do the Greeks pursue in a hoplite battle?

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但是希腊人在大部分时间里都是方阵对抗,一个步兵方阵和另外一个步兵方阵对垒But what the Greeks spent most of their time doing was fighting each other, one hoplite phalanx against another hoplite phalanx.

这儿有个重步兵这样站着,当在战场中遭遇敌人时,他应该会这样刺下去Here's a hoplite standing like this, and when he comes into contact with the opposing army, he will presumably strike down in this way.

自从有了甲兵后,战场上已不再以个人武力决胜负,而是依靠大批甲兵方阵来冲破敌人的队形。From then on battles were won not by individual champions but through the weight of massed hoplite phalanxes breaking through enemy ranks.

长期以来的共识是,方阵战不会造成大规模的伤亡,人们相信这一点For a long, long time the general wisdom was there were not heavy casualties in hoplite battles -- people calculating on what I was just talking about.

显然,这个时期第一次出现了,一种独特的战争形式,那就是重步兵方阵,我来给大家分别解释下这两个词The style of warfare that emerges in this period, apparently for the first time, is what we call the hoplite phalanx and each half of that needs to be explained.

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关于这一点,修昔底德有段精彩的论述,在讲斯巴达人赢得曼提尼亚战役时提到过,他说,斯巴达人不追击敌人Thucydides has an interesting passage in there, in which he says that the Spartans win the Battle of Mantinea and Thucydides says that the Spartans did not pursue the hoplite.

重装步兵的标志,首先就是盾牌,其次,和我们将要说到的防御力有关,就是士兵的身体有一定程度的护甲保护The hoplite himself is marked by, first of all, the shield and second of all, as we continue to think about his defensive capacities, he has a certain amount of armor to protect his body.

你们这些幸运的耶鲁学生们,2008年4月9日到10日将会看到,关于重步兵方阵和城邦起源话题的,国际会议So seriously, you fortunate Yalies, that they will be here on April 9 and 10 of 2008, an international conference on the subject of the hoplite phalanx and the emergence of the city state.

大多数希腊城邦,从未超越过步兵方阵的作战方式,也从未超越过寡头统治的政体,只有在这样的政体下,步兵才有政治权利Most Greek states, just as they never moved beyond the hoplite style of fighting, never go beyond the oligarchical style of constitution which gives only hoplites political rights in the state.

对传统观点批判最激烈的一种观点,认为这一新型战术,是经过数百年,甚至到了公元前五世纪,才逐渐发展成熟的The most extreme critics of the traditional point of view would say over centuries, that you don't get the full-blown hoplite phalanx that I will be describing to you, even until you get the fifth century B.C.

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如果战斗都是以方阵的形式进行,而没有单挑形式的战斗的话,那么,那些希腊故事中,因骁勇善战而著称的个人英雄是怎么产生的呢If they're all fighting in this hoplite style, how do all of these great Greek military personas develop, who are famed for being such wonderful, individual soldiers, if there's no real hand-to-hand, one-on-one?

虽然我有时也很困惑,比如说,战场上瞬息万变,情况非常复杂,由于没有古代重步兵白刃战的影像资料,我们只能猜想战场上发生了什么,真的是很遗憾Although I don't quite understand--I should say, there's many things about how the fighting went on which we can only attempt to imagine because we just don't have films of ancient hoplite battles, I'm sorry to say.

我们今天所要讲解的,是对重装步兵方阵是如何运行,这一景象最标准最正统的阐释,我觉得,汉森给了我们一个,最清晰,最实用的解释I'm going to start out today's talk by giving you what has been the standard and orthodox interpretation of how the hoplite phalanx worked, which, I think, again Hanson has given us the clearest and most useful account.