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不清楚工作对自己的要求。Hazy about demand from shebang.

人悄悄,帘外月胧明。People quietly, out curtain hazy on.

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我还有点拿不准下一步要做什么呢.I'm a little hazy about what to do next.

萤火虫一样飞在朦胧的树阴?As a firefly in the hazy shade of a tree?

陪伴著柠檬月色迷迷濛濛。Keeping company the hazy lemon Moonlight.

也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。Maybe this world is really only hazy is true.

现在是7月12号,一个潮湿而雾蒙蒙的星期五下午。It wasJuly 12, a humid and hazy Friday afternoon.

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今夜画船何处?潮平淮月朦胧。Tonight Huachuan Where? Chao Ping Huai hazy months.

你现在的脸,逐步健全内部西丽朦胧。You now face, and gradually Xili hazy sound inside.

他只能看见球门柱模糊的轮廓。He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts.

顶着沙暴,穿过迷雾,我向你走去。Though sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you.

对着迷茫的晚景,我们静静地欣赏着。Quietly we feasted our eyes on the hazy evening scene.

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往窗外望去,天空被朦胧的迷雾给遮盖住了。Looking out of the window, the sky to cover the hazy mist.

我们中的大多数人看到灰蒙蒙的天空时,确实都会想到汽车的尾气。Indeed, when most of us see hazy skies, we think tailpipes.

羊肠小路上,房顶上,石桥上都笼上了一层朦胧的薄雾。Mule path, the roof, stone Bridges are cage on a hazy mist.

必应先生的确描绘了他的设想,但是在目前,这个设想依然前途渺茫。Mr Bing did describe his vision, but for now it remains hazy.

三更时分,又朦朦胧胧见伊人台阶前立。At midnight, hazy see that person stands in front of the steps.

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海天都呈现出经过砂石磨砺后的海玻璃那种带有几分朦胧感的青绿色。Water and sky were both the hazy teal of sand-etched sea glass.

梦,为一种朦胧的远景,仿佛在那里,但一时又抓不到。Dream, as a hazy vision, as if there, but the moment they grasp.

朦胧疏烟湿芳草,摇落微风生白苹。Hazy smoke sparse grass wet, shake off the breeze, a white apple.