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她对马克思主义经典著作作了深刻的研究。She was deeply read in the Marxist classics.

这是马克思主义预言的一种折光。This is a refraction of Marxist predictions.

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这部电影用马克思主义的观点重述了那个著名的传说。The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.

灌输是马克思主义政治教育的基本原则。Inculcation is the basic way of Marxist theory education.

但马克思的劳动和劳动价值理论在当今世界没有过时和失效。But Marxist theory of labor and labor value is not outdate.

在马克思主义哲学史上,普列汉诺夫是一个转折点。Plekhanov is a turn point in the history of Marxist philosophy.

而且这些使马克思主义者对其提出了更中肯的批评。And this made the Marxist critique of it all the more pertinent.

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“实践存在论”是马克思主义哲学的基本观点。Practical ontology' is the basic viewpoint of Marxist philosophy.

西方的左派被书中马克思主义的反美论调所倾倒。Western leftists were enamored with its Marxist anti-Americanism.

共时态地考察马克思主义哲学与时代之关系。It inspects relations between the Marxist philosophy and the time.

以人为本坚持了马克思主义的历史主体论。Takeing Man as the End adheres to Marxist historical subjectivity.

我们正在学习马克思主义辨证唯物主义哲学。We are learning the Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism.

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马克思的历史价值论是实践的历史价值论。Marxist historical axiology is the practice of historical axiology.

马克思主义政党坚持的是“以人为本”的价值观。What the Marxist Party insists are the Human-Oriented-Based values.

这一切又与马克思关于生产与消费的理论暗合。And this coincides with Marxist theory on production and consumption.

在马克思主义的乌托邦的世界里,还依然会有公路事故吗?So will there still be roadaccidents in this Marxist utopia of yours?

不过要在北京找到一个正统马克思主义者几乎是不可能的。And yet it's nearly impossible to find an orthodox Marxist in Beijing.

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民族平等是马克思主义民族理论的基本原则。National equality is the basic principle of Marxist national theories.

普列汉诺夫是第二国际著名的马克思主义哲学家。Plekhanov is a famous Marxist philosopher in the Second International.

他将马克思主义的世界观教条地应用到所有的社会现象中去。He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.