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西方立法者过去曾经批评特别提款权是通货膨胀。Western legislators have in the past criticized SDRs as inflationary.

特别提款权是作为补充国际货币基金组织成员国的现有储备而运行。SDRs operate as supplements to the existing reserves of IMF member nations.

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SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise.

如果中国能够看清这一趋势,那么它对特别提款权的态度就将改变。If China admits to itself where this road is leading, its attitude towards SDRs will change.

作为选择,有强大外部资金的国家可向急需硬通货的国家购买SDR。Alternatively, countries with strong external finances can buy SDRs from countries which need hard currency.

另外,SDR电阻能减少振铃和线路反射,改善信号质量,使线路终端连接更加容易。Additionally, SDRs make LINE termination easier, which improves signal quality by reducing ringing and LINE reflections.

自1969年设立出现以来,“特别提款权”在国际货币基金组织的成员国和其它国际性组织中,被用来作为一个计算单位。The SDRs have been used as a unit of account among IMF members and other international organizations since introduction in 1969.

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根据周小川的提议,特别提款权的比例将大幅增加,同时要扩展更多的货币,特别是人民币。Under Mr Zhou’s plan the amount of SDRs would be hugely increased and the basket expanded to include other currencies, notably the yuan.

各国将委托IMF代表它们集中管理一部分SDR储备,而SDR将逐步替换现有储备货币。Countries would entrust a portion of their SDR reserves to the IMF to manage collectively on their behalf and SDRs would gradually replace existing reserve currencies.

不论从政治角度还是经济角度,特别提款权的承销国都不可能发行足够的SDR来与全球外汇储备中的其他硬通货相抗衡。It will be politically and financially unfeasible for countries underwriting SDRs to issue enough to rival other hard currencies held in global foreign exchange reserves.