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这是美因兹约翰尼斯古腾堡大学的网站。This is the website of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.

我哥哥约翰尼斯,姐姐祖乐比和我要和叔叔和婶婶住在一起。My brother Johannes , sister Jollibee and I would stay with our uncle and aunt.

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年轻的约翰内斯当时刚刚入伍,是美国新兵,他为此请假,但未获准。Johannes was a young recruit in the US army and applied for leave but was refused.

1440年约翰内斯·古登堡发明印刷术,印制出和我们现在看到的一样的图书。Johannes Gutenberg invented the method of printing books as we recognise them today.

芝加哥交响乐团正在演奏约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯的第一交响曲。The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is performing Symphony number one by Johannes Brahms.

他是德国德累斯顿市的冯阿登纳企业的首席科学家。Dr. Johannes Struempfel is working as Chief Scientist at VON ARDENNE Company in Dresden.

约翰内斯古登堡的印刷机被认为是世界上最伟大的发明。Johannes Gutenberg's printing press is considered one of the world's greatest inventions.

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17世纪荷兰画家约翰尼斯·弗米尔在画家中占有一个无与伦比的地位。The 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer holds an inimitable place among painters.

他的工作是维护,扩大和纠正伽利略和约翰内斯开普勒。His work was defended, expanded upon, and corrected by Galileo Galileiand Johannes Kepler.

可靠的自动化工具使得CTC诊断更加迅速。Reliable automated tools will make CTC diagnosis quicker, " observed Johannes Wessling, M."

包括三件伦勃朗的画,还有荷兰大师维梅尔的作品。They included three paintings by Rembrandt and another by the Dutch master Johannes Vermeer.

开普勒当然是用德语写作的,但实际情况并非如此,他也用拉丁语写过文章。Of course Johannes Kepler was writing in German, actually no, he’d have been writing in Latin.

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德国美因茨约翰内斯古腾堡大学医学中心泌尿系Department of Urology, University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

当古腾堡在15实际发明印刷术时,他确实改变了世界。When Johannes Gutenberg invented printing in the 15th century, he did, indeed, change the world.

对于大多数的日记,约翰内斯Climacus地块的诱惑非常缓慢和故意。For the majority of the diary, Johannes Climacus plots the seduction very slowly and deliberately.

同时作为一位极具个性色彩的教师,伊顿在设计理论界又颇受争议。As a teacher with strong personality, Johannes Itten is controversial in the field of design theory.

约翰内斯莱昂纳多的理念是建立在前提下,我们具体的所有邮件的媒介。Johannes Leonardo's philosophy is built around the premise that we are all mediums for specific messages.

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自1604年开普勒发现一颗超新星以来,天文学家便再也没有在我们的银河系发现这种天体。Since Johannes Kepler’s supernova was spotted in 1604, astronomershaven’t witnessed one in our own galaxy.

目击证人说这个警察,在奥斯卡·格兰特躺下面朝火车月台时被射杀。Witnesses say the officer, Johannes Mehserle, shot Oscar Grant while he was lying facedown on the train platform.

第一本印刷圣经是1455年由德国美因茨市的约翰内斯古腾堡所作。The first printed bibles emerged in 1455 from the press created by Johannes Gutenberg in the German city of Mainz.