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他就是一个淫僧。He is a nasty monk.

等候一列火车的修道士。Monk waiting for a train.

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他过了10年和尚生活。He lived ten years as a monk.

这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。This monk wears a gray frock.

为什么要过“禅僧”般的生活呢?Why live more like a Zen monk?

他扮作一个僧人。He disguised himself as a monk.

和尚&赤岭是什麽易筋经?。Monk &Chiling What is Yijinjing?

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僧袍不能使人成为僧侣。The cowl does not make the monk.

他不难看,对一个修道士来说。He's not bad-looking, for a monk.

和尚戴著一串念珠。The monk wears a string of beads.

那个和尚把一棵树连根拔起。The Buddhist monk disrooted a tree.

和尚合掌打坐。Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.

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一个和尚试图从中劝和。A monk tries to settle their dispute.

他削发为僧。He shaved his head and became a monk.

我看到了唐三藏的头盖骨。I saw Monk Tang San Zang's head bone.

那人是峨眉山下来的和尚。The man was a monk from Emei Mountain.

第一个修道士仍然微笑不语。The first monk smiled and asid nothing.

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一只僧海豹躺在夏威夷,考艾岛的沙滩上。Hawaiian monk seal on the beach in Kauai.

山里住着个虔诚的老和尚。In the mountain lived an old devour monk.

达达尼奥跟著芒克走过他的帐篷。D'Artagnan followed Monk through his camp.