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那个法官呢?And the judge?

哦,对了,那个法官。Yes, the judge.

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他要去评判谁呢?Who is he to judge?

谁是谁非,谁来评判?And who can be judge?

你能鉴别出好马吗?Can you judge horses?

我们不需要给他定罪。We need not judge him.

一位法官敲响他的小木槌。A judge bangs his gavel.

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你不会总对事情妄加判断了。You don't judge as much.

你不会总对事情妄加判断了。You don’t judge as much.

一个审判法庭上的法官。A judge in a trial court.

不要匆促对人做出判断。Don't judge others hastily.

我无法断定谁是对的。I can't judge who is right.

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我靠常识判断。I judge it by common sense.

她是个优秀的评酒专家。She's a good judge of wine.

法官训示陪审团。The judge charged the jury.

审判官判决了这个案子。The judge decided the case.

好吧,把这些告诉法官。Well, tell it to the judge.

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叫警察来评理啊!Call the police to judge ah!

法官严厉指责警察。The judge rapped the police.

基督是我们至高独一的裁判。Christ is our ultimate Judge.