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现在还可以给客户一个初步的交代了,不至于让别人来砸场!Still can give a client an abecedarian now explained, unapt let others be bungled!

有这么十余天来,我心中忽觉到了自己的不至腐堕。For some ten days , my heart suddenly perceived that its person was unapt to degenerate yet.

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作为玩家,虽然我不至于对工作人员破口大骂,但还是有苦可诉的。As the player, although I am unapt right staff member shout abuse, but still suffering can appeal to.

具有印字质量好、不易剥落、生产效率高、无污染等优点。It can result in high-quality printed character unapt to peel off, high production efficiency and no pollution.

栩栩如生的长颈鹿,它那深而自然的色调衬托着白色的家具,使整体不至于显得无精打采或苍白无力。Lifelike giraffe, that is deep and it is natural tonal foiling white furniture, make whole unapt appear downhearted or pale.

为了使敷在面上的珍珠粉不至于脱落,可在其中加一点蜂蜜,量不要太多。To make apply is in the pearl powder on the face is unapt fall off, but amid adds a bit honey, the quantity is not too much.

系统采用了筛选计量采样图像的方法,排除了测量基准参考点选择不当的测量误差。Using the sieving to calculate the samples of image, the system can remove the error when chooses the unapt basic testing reference.

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其实,这个词现在实在不至于让我们诚惶诚恐,也大可不必让我们义愤填膺或深恶痛绝。Actually, this word is really unapt now let us with reverence and awe, also can need not let our be filled with indignation or detest.

马尾辫,简单干净,是夏日最宜打理的主流长款发型。况且这个夏天我们为你推荐几款T台风格的马尾辫,不至于让你的辫子看上去缺乏变化。Besides this summer the horsetail plait that we recommend case of typhoon of a few T for you, unapt the braid that lets you looks devoid change.

这样才会让房间有层次感,不至于太“平”也会使房间效果感觉非凡清新。Such ability can let a room have administrative levels feeling, unapt too " smooth " also can make room effect feels particularly pure and fresh.

再配置些黄、绿、蓝紫的植物是最好不过的了,既不失安静的效果,又不至于显得过分呆板。Relocate some the plant of yellow, green, La Zi is had better not pass, both neither breaks quiet result, unapt appear beyond the mark and inflexible.

在李方看来,九城失去魔兽就像一位有钱人丢失了一份高薪的工作,很遗憾,但不至于伤及筋骨。Look in Li Fang, 9 cities lost demon animal to lose the job of a high pay with respect to wealthy like person, very regretful, but unapt injury and bones and muscles.

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对于SNS网站也是一个挑战,网站需要足够的成熟度和度量、接纳能力,不至于让心的APP产生负面的反应。To SNS website also be a challenge, the website needs enough maturity and magnanimity, receptivity, unapt the response that makes the APP generation of the heart negative.

黑白灰是没有色彩倾向的色彩,使用它们能够有效地分割同色与近色,不至于混淆不清。Black and white ash is the colour that does not have colour tendency, use them to be able to be broken up effectively with color and close look, unapt promiscuous not clear.

加之如果幼儿园能从兴趣班、黄金班中有部分收益,幼儿园的收支情况不至于如此严峻。Together with if nursery school can have partial profit from inside interest class, gold class, the circumstance of income and expenses of nursery school is unapt so austere.

用软隔断分割两个区域,主卧的私密性也不受影响,工作困了想休息,转个身就是大床,也不至于又清醒了。Break up two area with soft partition, advocate lying illicit close sex is insusceptible also, the job wants tiredly to rest, turn a body it is big bed, unapt also regained consciousness again.