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这真是一个便于调试的高招!A real coup for debugging!

代比在1990年的一次政变中,夺得政权。Deby who took power in a coup in 1990.

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他信两年前在一次政变中被罢免。He was ousted in a coup two years ago.

那君主被军事政变者废黜了。The monarch was ousted by a military coup.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

他以为这将是在宣传上高明的一着。He thought that would be a public relation coup.

他今天一清早干的好事已经报案了。His coup of early this morning had been reported.

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他信在2006年的一次军事政变中被废黜。Mr. Thaksin was ousted in a military coup in 2006.

校长大人还有什么治学妙招?The headmaster adults still have what reserch coup?

现在就让范冰冰晒晒她的保湿妙计吧!Let Fan Bingbing sun drying moisture coup of her bar!

吉拉迪诺,2005年的意大利转会标王。Alberto, the coup of the 2005 Italian transfer season.

北京政变后,段祺瑞将议会解散。Duanqirui dismissed the parliament after Beijing Coup.

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如果军方接管,这将是一个政变。If the military takes over, it will be a coup d 'etat.

古斯芒先生把这个事件描述为一次被挫败的“政变”。Mr Gusm?o described the incident as a thwarted "coup".

在这地区的其他国家都谴责这次政变。Other countries in the region are condemning the coup.

几内亚比绍历来有政变和企图政变的传统。Guinea Bissau has a history of coups and coup attempts.

那政变日期就是八月十五夜晚。The coup date was the fifteenth night of the eighth month.

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国王认可了2006年推翻他信的那场政变。The king accepted the coup that overthrew Mr Thaksin in 2006.

而这也会哐当一声,成为朴茨茅斯的一次恐怖转会。It would be a terrific move for Portsmouth FC and a real coup.

印度认为奥巴马的行动是一个巨大的不顾一切的改变India considered Obama's move to be an enormous coup regardless.