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结论HELLP综合征是一种严重的产科并发症。Conclusion HELLP syndrome is a severe obstetric complication.

产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service?

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预约非符合资格人士产科套餐服务可否由他人代办?。Can booking of the NEP Obstetric Package be made by a representative?

方法对四家综合医院99名产科医护人员采用问卷调查。Methods Questionnaires on 99 obstetric workers in four general hospitals.

该模型还追踪了致命的产科出血导致的寿命年损失。The model also tracked life years lost owing to fatal obstetric haemorrhage.

产瘫的早期显微外科治疗。The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery.

加强产时监护、提高产科质量是预防的根本措施。The radical prevention is to strength monitoring and improve the obstetric level.

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目的了解唐山地区产科护士心理健康状况。Objective To understand mental health status of obstetric nurses in Tangshan area.

如何对NT增厚但染色体核型正常的产前病例进行产科处理?How to provide obstetric process for patients of NT thickening with normal karyotype?

目的探讨产科医院感染的预防与感染管理。Objective To explore prevent and management of Nosocomial Infection in Obstetric Ward.

结果瑞芬太尼能安全有效的用于产科麻醉与镇痛。RESULTS Remifentanil used in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia is safe and effective.

宫缩乏力导致的产科出血是子宫切除的首要原因。Uterine atony with obstetric bleeding was the primary cause of obstetric hysterectomy.

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肩难产被大多数医生认为是产科或助产的急症。Shoulder dystocia is considered an obstetric or midwifery emergency by most practitioners.

产科专家指出,妊妇可以泡温泉、蒸桑拿,但是每次几分钟就好。Obstetric experts say pregnant women can be hot springs, sauna, but like every few minutes.

“产科产生这样的后果真是一场灾难,”他承认说,“但是从染色体来看,这些胚胎都是正常的。"The obstetric outcome was a disaster," he admits, "but the embryos were chromosomally normal.

研究比较了木板地面和混凝土地面的牛床对奶牛产科疾病的不同影响。By comparing to the different effects to cow's obstetric disease in board and cement of cow's bed.

严重感染、损伤、肿瘤形成和产科并发症以及其它疾病可以引起DIC。DIC can be seen with severe infections, trauma, neoplasia, and obstetric complications, among others.

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结论瑞芬太尼是产科麻醉与镇痛中非常有前途的阿片类药物。CONCLUSION Remifentanil, one of the opioids, has a vast prospect in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia.

产科出现恶心呕吐的可能包括多胎妊娠或葡萄胎。Obstetric explanations for nausea and vomiting may include multiple pregnancies or a hydatidiform mole.

目的探讨新生儿窒息的产科原因,提出有效的预防措施。To investigate the obstetric causes of asphyxia neonatorum, and raise effective precautionary measures.