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我们都喜欢听交响音乐。We all like listening to orchestral music.

例如,演奏管弦乐时,我就是一名神枪手。Playing orchestral music, for example, I become a sharpshooter.

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微风轻吹,风声像那古老的弦乐。When the breeze blows, the wind speaks like old orchestral strings.

中国也没法和委内瑞拉革命相提并论。There is nothing in China to match the Venezuelan orchestral revolution.

尽管邦德乐队是在最显著的位置,但是我们又加上了巨大的管弦乐声音。Bond are still at the forefront but we have this massive orchestral sound.

11岁在马德里有了自己的交响乐处子秀,献上了一曲莫扎特协奏曲。She made her orchestral debut with a Mozart concerto in Madrid when she was 11.

最好看的电影,得到的甘美的管弦乐的全面影响。Best seen in the cinema, to get the full effect of the luscious orchestral score.

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但在一个象征性的挑衅行为里,俄国人决定举行一场交响乐音乐会。But in a symbolic act of defiance, the Russians decide to hold an orchestral concert.

如果一切顺利,一首精美的弦乐开始将拉开这次搬家活动的序幕。If all goes well, the exercise will unfold with the precision of an orchestral piece.

电影里镜头到处都是青草翠绿的山坡,宽大的舞会礼服,热情奔放的交响乐曲。The movie was heavy on verdant hillsides, ballroom gowns, and surging orchestral music.

一种相似的管弦乐曲,如谱写的作为合唱篇或话剧的前奏曲的此类乐曲。A similar orchestral work, such as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a play.

指挥有没有在寻求一种新的声部平衡呢?Does the conductor seek to rebalance the orchestra so that a certain orchestral voice is heard?

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打那以后,维也纳爱乐与柏林爱乐成为了富特文格勒音乐活动的两大台柱。From this point forward, Vienna and Berlin would become the poles of Furtwangler's orchestral world.

管弦乐器种类繁多,要记住它们的名字不大容易。There are so many instruments for orchestral instruments that it's very hard to memorize their names.

狂曲一种轻管弦乐谱,以自由和形式的多样为标志,常含有滑稽或讽刺的因素。A light orchestral composition marked by freedom and diversity of form, often with burlesque elements.

在这几年当中,他开始作曲,主要是器乐曲,即管弦乐作品,但也创作了几首歌曲。He began to compose in these years, mostly instrumental or orchestral compositions but also a few songs.

一种轻管弦乐谱,以自由和形式的多样为标志,常含有滑稽或讽刺的因素。Music A light orchestral composition marked by freedom and diversity of form, often with burlesque elements.

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该项活动力图消除文化隔阂并改善社会大环境,旨在让更广泛的大众聆听管弦乐并接触到古典音乐这种艺术形式。It is designed to expose a broader public to the realm of orchestral sound and the medium of classical music.

把其它形式的音乐作品改编成乐队曲,是学习乐队编配的重要内容。An important aspect of the orchestration course was the practice of arranging non orchestral music for orchestra.

他的大部分作品有强烈的音乐气息。经常会产生出博大的效果,就象管弦乐一样音域宽广。Most of his paintings throw off rich flavor of music, just as orchestral music always produce magnificent effects.