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我认为那个违章超速驾驶者免不了要受罚。I don't think that speeder will be able to beat this rap.

这种飞行艇配备反单兵爆能枪和一门反装甲主炮。The speeder is armed with antipersonnel blasters and a main anti-vehicle gun.

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在卡西克和费卢西亚这样的星球,双人的沼泽陆行艇满足了这一需求。On worlds such as Kashyyyk and Felucia, the two-man swamp speeder fit this need.

灶头火力大小可通过调节鼓风机调速器开关,任意调节。The strength of the stove speeder of blower can be adjusted by the switch stove.

灶头火力大小可通过调节鼓风机调速器开关,任意调节。The strength of the stove speeder of blower can be adjusted by the switch on the stove.

他经常使用灵活的火箭背包和大幅度改装后的飞梭摩托。Durge often used an agile rocket pack as well as an extensively modified swoop speeder bike.

侦察员执行任务时,经常驾驶轻型侦察交通工具,例如帝国飞行摩托。Scouts often work in conjunction with light reconnaissance vehicles, such as Imperial speeder bikes.

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在驾驶像阿拉科技74-Z飞行摩托那样的高速交通工具时,这一点极其有用。This is extremely useful when operating such high-velocity vehicles as the Aratech 74-Z speeder bike.

出于对自己的恼火,欧比万驾驶着飞艇,将速度开到最大,飞向杜库的别墅。Angry with himself, Obi-Wan piloted the speeder up the mountain toward Dooku's villa at maximum speed.

受雇于赛斯·弗罗姆帮派的费特去处置年轻的飞车赛手萨尔·乔本及其朋友。Fett was hired by the gangster Sise Fromm to dispose of young speeder pilot Thall Joben and his friends.

两根外伸支架上有四个小型方向控制片,为飞行摩托提供机动性。A quartet of small directional steering vanes on twin outriggings afford the speeder its maneuverability.

在AT-AT装甲外壳的内部有足够的空间搭载五辆帝国飞行摩托和最多40名士兵。Inside the AT-AT's armored hull is enough space to carry five Imperial speeder bikes and up to 40 troops.

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根据内摆线的形成原理,设计出一种齿轮无级变速器。Based on the principle of the formation of hypocycloid, a kind of stepless gear speeder has been designed.

因损失了飞车和机器人而被激怒后,费特抓住弗罗姆父子并交给了赫特人贾巴。Angered at the loss of his speeder and droid, Fett captured the Fromms to turn them over to Jabba the Hutt.

一种曲柄摆动无中轴自行车的增速装置,可使变速比达到10至99倍。The speeder for crank-swinging bicycle without middle axle can make the speed change ratio reach to 10-99 times.

这些物品包括审问者机器人、暗眼探测机器人、一辆飞行摩托等有着邪恶用途的设备。The inventory includes interrogator droids, dark eye probe droids, a speeder bike, and other devices of evil intent.

油泵车是装设取力器、增速器、油泵等设备用于部队输转油料的专用汽车。Pumping truck is a truck which is mounted in power takeoff, oil pump, speeder and so on to transfer oil for the army.

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这个盒装套件包含一个多件组装塑料星际战士风暴型兰德速攻艇和六个多件组装星际战士侦察兵。This box set contains one multi-part plastic Space Marine Land Speeder Storm and six multi-part plastic Space Marine Scouts.

虽然帝国使用各种快攻型反重力地面交通工具,但其首选的飞行摩托型号是阿拉科技的74-Z。Though the Empire uses a variety of fast-attack repulsorlift ground craft, its preferred speeder bike model is the Aratech 74-Z.

稍后,当他看见赏金猎人的飞行摩托接近时,我们看见R2模拟双筒望远镜效果的视野。Later, when he spots the bounty hunter speeder bikes approaching, we see that Artoo's vision mimics the view of a macrobinocular.