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这是个堂吉诃德式的任务吗?Is this a quixotic task?

这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.

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专家们对这一不切实际的苏联式工程项目表示失望。Experts have expressed dismay at the quixotic Soviet-style project.

我选择的这两个答案似乎如同堂吉诃德式幻想一样不切实际,或者显得荒谬,但是请容忍我讲下去。These might seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but please bear with me.

而该联谊会队员并不认为全球采用世界语是一个遥不可及的目标。And the fellowship's members do not view global use of Esperanto as a quixotic goal.

因此,对未来的收入和赤字的估计是偏向乐观的,甚至是不切实际的。As a result, its estimates for future revenue and deficits are optimistic, even quixotic.

两年半后,我那漂亮又爱幻想的儿子长成了一个难缠的小恶魔。Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devilish handful.

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正在进行这项异想天开使命的插画家是一位戴眼镜、穿防水夹克、文静且不起眼的一般男子。The artist on this quixotic mission is a quiet, nondescript man with glasses and an anorak.

尽管可能由于不切实际,以及麻痹倦怠而被解散,但这不可思议的全盛期将会见证整个叙利亚革命。Easily dismissed as quixotic by the jaded, this incredible florescence will see the revolution through.

中国是儒家社会,是自上而下的家长制度与自下而上的社会流动性匪夷所思的结合体。China is a Confucian society, a quixotic combination of top-down patriarchy and bottom-up social mobility.

虽然在香港无情的发展面前,抗议可能是唐吉柯德式的,但遗迹是一个热点问题。Quixotic though protest may seem in the face of Hong Kong's relentless development, heritage is a hot issue.

更不可思议的是在现在的出版气氛下,受众居然还表现出欢迎这种堂吉歌德式的不合时宜。Even more incredible, in the current climate, the punters have shown every sign of responding to this quixotic act of defiance.

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不过,在话剧结束后的鞠躬与鼓掌时,演员向观众说希望他们继续追求美好的东西,确实是个不对劲的呼吁。However, as the play ended with bows and applause there was a quixotic plea for the audience to continue pursuing what is good.

祖克曼提到了一次异想天开的冒险行动,目的是帮助改写冰岛法律,以求为维基解密的工作成果打造一个国家级的避风港。Mr Zuckerman recalls one quixotic venture to help rewrite Icelandic law, aiming to create a national safe-haven for WikiLeaks' work.

在其于1921至1934年间所撰写的4本书中,索迪为彻底重塑全球金融关系而进行了一场唐吉坷德式的战斗。In four books written from 1921 to 1934, Soddy carried on a quixotic campaign for a radical restructuring of global monetary relationships.

而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium.

虽然美国企业和政府倾向核发统一的身分证件,但想要完全证明你就是你所宣称的那个人,看起来仍像是痴心妄想。And despite corporate and government moves toward universal IDs, the quest for absolute proof that you are who you say you are appears quixotic.

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但是新闻发布会也将使伯南克能够在某个具有更多幻想观点的同事刺激市场之前,控制美联储的官方信息。But the press conferences will also enable Mr Bernanke to control the Fed’s message before a colleague with more quixotic views excites the markets.

纸质图书和电子书都给他留下了不错的印象,而且“一个有点狂想的想法是希望他们之间能有积极的方式互动。”That leaves him with an appreciation of both physical bookstores and e-books, and "a perhaps quixotic hope that they find positive ways to interact.

正如反复谈到的那样,乔布斯的一些举措成为市场的驱动器,然而更多的时候,苹果孤独的努力看上去更像是堂吉诃德的冒险事业。As that back-and-forth suggests, some of Mr Jobs' moves were market-driven. More often, though, Apple struck out alone with projects that seemed quixotic.