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凝汽油剂是一种铝皂。Napalm is an aluminum soap.

黑色汽油弹升级完毕。Black napalm upgrade is complete.

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而奇妙的世界,为什么我们使用凝固汽油弹。And the world wonders why we use napalm.

就是这样,他们与该凝固汽油弹做。That's the way they do with that napalm.

为什么你要把凝固汽油涂在散热器上?。Why would you put napalm on the radiator?

像“升级游戏”,但它的凝固汽油弹。Like "escalation games, " but it's napalm.

露西贝恩斯,你可曾看到凝固汽油弹?Lucy Baines, did you ever see that napalm?

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他们有凝固汽油弹好听的名字,该地段。They have lots of fancy names for that napalm.

它是你的手和我说滴凝固汽油弹。And it's your hand and mine that drops the napalm.

和白宫没有时间谈论凝固汽油弹。And the White House has no time to talk of napalm.

那么,你的学校是太斯文可言凝固汽油弹。Well, your school is too refined to speak of napalm.

燃烧弹和手榴弹效果也很好,但要注意。Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be careful!

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把一个商用的反应堆当作是核弹,正如把凡士林当作凝固汽油炸弹。A commercial reactor is to a bomb what Vaseline is to napalm.

那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼的前方。The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.

那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼的前方。The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.

胶化汽油燃烧弹的范围是5码,所以至少要散开5码以上。The range on Napalm Blast is 5 yards, so spread out at least that much.

飞机掷下的汽油弹把他们身上烧着了火。Their bodies caught fire from the napalm bombs dropped by enemy planes.

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等量的汽油和冻柳橙汁混合后可以做成汽油弹,你知道吗?Did you konw if you mix gasoline and frozen orange juice, you can make napalm?

对,分别是子弹、炸弹、炮弹、凝固弹、定时炸弹、穿甲弹、手榴弹。Yeah. They are respectively bullets, bombs, shells, napalm bombs, time bombs, armour-piercing shells, and grenades.

在1950和1953年之间,美国在朝鲜扔下了63500吨的炸弹,除此之外还有32557吨的燃烧弹。Between 1950 and 1953 the United States dropped 635, 000 tons of bombs on Korea, in addition to 32, 557 tons of napalm.