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亦称机内施胶。Also called Engine sizing.

后勤基础结构的规模评估Sizing back-office infrastructure

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蛋白的生长将会使新皮无结疤之虑。A sizing or glaze made of egg white.

取得了较好的施胶效果。The better sizing performance was obtained.

男孩就像一名拳击手一样在目测对手。The boy is like a boxer sizing up an opponent.

旋启式止回阀通径的正确计算和选择非常重要。Correct sizing of swing check valves is important.

不,你不会看到他们时,审时度势海岸线。No, you will not see them when sizing up the shoreline.

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浸润器的类型的影响不显著。The effect of type of sizing applicator is insignificant.

然后,研究了阳离子树脂型AKD施胶工艺的影响因素。Secondly, the sizing technics of resinous AKD was studied.

用于贴面刨花板和中密度板的钻孔和裁切。Boring and sizing paper laminated chipboard and MDF panels.

得到狗骨的分布规律,对研究板坯定宽有重要指导意义。Which has provided the reference values for the slab sizing press.

本文对生产纯毛单纱轻薄织物的经纱上浆工艺做于初步探讨。Research work on sizing of light-weighted wool fabric is conducted.

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但她仍然说,她很快将再次开始推销这一尺码体系。Still, she said, she will soon try to sell the sizing system again.

这种虚示尺寸的策略已经被长期应用于女性时尚连锁店。The vanity sizing ploy has long been used by women's fashion chains.

它还是调整和配置整个数据库系统的一种方法。It is an approach to sizing and configuring an entire database system.

对CMS在浆纱中作为乳化剂取代CMC进行了研究分析。That CMS taking the place of CMC as emulsifier in sizing was analyzed.

本发明还公开了一种上述施胶剂的制备方法。The invention also discloses a preparation method of the sizing agent.

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在过去的50年一副的尺寸变化很大。The sizing of clothing has changed drastically over the last 50 years.

这些问题对提供规模指南的团队也会造成影响。This type of problem also has impact on teams providing sizing guides.

我们估计了墙的面积,决定要用三桶漆。Sizing up the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.