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卢瑟福用的是阿尔法粒子。Rutherford used alpha particles.

卢瑟福尝试了不同的金属。And, Rutherford tried various metals.

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这就是著名的卢瑟福实验。And, here's the Rutherford experiment.

相比汤姆逊他更喜欢卢瑟福。He far preferred Rutherford to Thompson.

一个支持者是恩内斯特,卢瑟福。One of the proponents is Ernest Rutherford.

这就是卢瑟福所的,这不可能是对的。And, that's what Rutherford says, this can't be right.

他就来了,卢瑟福接收他到他的实验室来。He'd come back, and Rutherford accepted him in his lab.

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卢瑟福教授给出,原子结构的理论。Professor Rutherford has given a theory of the structure of atoms.

鲁瑟福特·B·海耶斯是第19任美国总统。Rutherford B. Hayes was the nineteenth President of the United States.

而卢瑟福提出的,和行星系统相似的原子结构取而代之。And in its stead Rutherford proposed something akin to a planetary system.

如果他的选择是正确的,那么卢瑟福将“考虑”他的职位。If his choice is correct, then Rutherford will "consider" him for the post.

在进入细节之前,先了解一些卢瑟福的背景知识。But, before I go into details, a little bit more background about Rutherford.

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他多数时间都在篮网建于东卢瑟福的训练中心度过。He spends most of his time at the nets'practice center in east rutherford n. j.

之后在1934年,在30年代中期,是卢瑟福,汤姆逊退休了。And then, in 1934, it was Ernest Rutherford -by the mid-30s, J. J. Thompson had retired.

先后有11位获奖者是拉塞福的徒弟,或是直接受益于他的指导。There are 11 Nobel Prize winners are either students or have been advised by Rutherford.

文中给出了采用这种电荷堆积排除器测得的瓷碟上白釉的背散射能谱。A typical Rutherford backscattering spectrum from white porcelain glaze on a dish is presented.

知道alpha粒子是什么吗?,是的,很好,它们实际上是氦原子?Does anyone know more than what Rutherford knew at the time, what alpha particles actually are?

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俄亥俄州中部一城市,位于哥伦布以北。罗斯福·B·海斯出生在这里。人口20,030。A city of central Ohio north of Columbus. Rutherford B. Hayes was born here. Population, 20,030.

卢瑟福被邀请去担任,卡文迪许实验室的主任。And, Rutherford was invited to occupy the chair and be the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.

卢瑟福提出一些试探性的想法认为也许会有第三种粒子——中子。Rutherford had put forward some tentative ideas that there might be a third particle— a neutron.