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他是她曾遇到过的最没有礼貌的小孩。He was the rudest kid she'd ever met.

你是我所见过的人种最粗鲁的。You are the rudest person i've ever met.

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我历来没遇见过这么没礼貌的人。They were the rudest people I had ever experienced.

中国人是我见过最粗鲁的了。Chinese people are the rudest people I, ve ever met.

亲属关系处在那种无知状态的一群是能想得到的最蒙昧的了。A group of kindred in that stage of ignorance is rudest that can be imagined.

亲属关系处在那种无知状态的一群是能想得到的最蒙昧的了。A group of kindred in that stage of ignorance is the rudest that can be imagined.

他们是有史以来,最为无礼、对媒体态度最不友好的总统候选人吗?。Could these be the rudest , most media-unfriendly presidential candidates of all time?

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虽然它们可以出现在世界上最无礼的人,他们在巨大的心实物和好客。Although they can appear the rudest people in the world, at heart they're immensely kind and hospitable.

在英国也用这种竖中指的手势,这种手势是用最粗鲁的方式告诉别人滚开。The middle finger, also used in the UK, is a gesture telling the receiver to go away in the rudest possible terms.

现在在所有不同程度的蒙昧种族是真实的可以被假设在在所有早期群体中是真实的。What is now true in varying degrees of all the rudest races may be assumed to have been true of all the earliest groups.

下面这22个和厕所有关的词汇和表达是按照从礼貌到粗俗来排序的。The following 22 toilet related vocabulary and expressions are sorted from the most polite, to the rudest and most vulgar.

至为粗陋之住所,或至为黯淡贫瘠之地域,若遇品性高雅之英格兰人,则可成令人神往之天堂。The rudest habitation, the most unpromising and scanty portion of land, in the hands of an Englishman of taste, becomes a little paradise.

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翘拇指在众多文化中都被认为十分友好,可在中东却是不礼貌的象征,甚至比扔鞋还糟糕。Regarded by most cultures as the friendliest of gestures, the thumbs-up sign is one of the rudest in the Middle East, even more so than shoes.

再鲁莽张扬的人也会有所收敛,而那些获得签证的人们似乎立刻忘记了等待的疲劳,而被拒签的人则完全被沮丧笼罩了。Even the rudest people pull in their horns under the strain of uncertainty. Those who get visas seem instantly to forget their exhaustion, whereas those who are rejected succumb to it completely.