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在此基础上,研究螯合剂对调酸果奶稳定性的影响。On the base of these, we studied the effect of chelator on the stability of acidic juice-milk.

铅毒是世界范围内的公害,过去主要采用螯合剂治疗铅毒。Lead poisoning is a public health problem in the world, the main treatment of it is by using chelator.

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在达到一定浓度后,金属离子螯合剂EGTA也抑制藻殖段分化。When reached to a certain concentration, the chelator EGTA could also block the differentiation of hormogonia.

尽管连续鞘内注射铁鏊合剂可能更有效,但尚未见有病人经此方法治疗。No patient has been given an iron chelator via a continuous intrathecal infusion, which might be more effective.

络合剂的存在对飞灰氧化能力影响与金属形态浓度相关性的影响是不同的。The impacts of chelator on metal speciation concentrations correlativity and fly ashes oxidation ability are different.

由于两者突变后表型类似,我们推测两者可能是两条不同的钙通道,有补充叠加的作用。They may have complementary function in calcium ions according to their similar phenotypes in the medium with calcium channel chelator.

本论文实验所用的吸附剂是以有机螯合剂DTPA和天然膨润土为原料,研制合成的改性膨润土。Adsorbents used in these experiments of the paper are a kind of modified bentonite, which are synthesized using organic chelator DTPA and natural bentonite as raw materials.

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本文就铁过载的临床特征、危害性以及祛铁新药地拉罗司对比传统药物的优势做一综述。This review summarized the morbidity, mortality, and clinical features of iron overload, and introduced the advantages of the new chelator deferasirox over traditional agents.

本文的目的是希望藉此病例及文献之回顾,能使基层医师对汞的危害能进一步的了解。After chelator therapy, the skin rash disappeared. With this case and other relevant documents, this article intended to provide doctors with further knowledge on mercury intoxication.

并探讨了对临床应用抗生物被膜局部铁喷雾或者螯合剂治疗的前景。The possible effects of iron on adsorption, microcolony formation, mature of colons and desorb were explained, and the prospect of clinical use of local iron or chelator spray was also reviewed here.